𝖈𝖍. 𝖎 𝖕𝖙. 𝖎𝖛 ; swaying softly to her heart.

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'You know, that almost kiss...JJ can't seem to stop blabbering about it.'




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when you're drunk - lany

I know, I know, if I'm bein' honest,

Then maybe we should call it.





After school, the gang rendezvous at the wreck, like it's some kind of clandestine meeting spot for our little band of misfits. We dash down the stairs with the grace of newborn giraffes, and I can't help but chuckle along with Pope, who's probably the only one of us who didn't almost trip and faceplant.

"I never doubted them," I quip, giving JJ a nudge with my elbow. "We never doubted them, right J?"

JJ shoots me a look from the corner of his eye, a silent acknowledgment of his collective lack of faith in whatever scheme had just unfolded. He bumps his shoulder against mine as we navigate the treacherous steps of the wreck stairs.

"We owe you five bucks." Kiara chimes in.

"Kiara, I need those setups done by five!" Anna's voice cuts through the laughter, a reminder that despite our shenanigans, there are still responsibilities to uphold.

As we reach the bottom and make our way towards the pier next to the wreck, Kie, ever the voice of reason (or at least attempted reason), decides to interject.

"There are other people that work here, you know." She points out, gesturing towards the bustling activity around us.

Anna, her mother and self-appointed boss of her daughter's life, doesn't miss a beat with her response.

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