>Flustered< (DigitalTime)

122 3 6

Request from: cattykit_666

(Btw, first request!! WOOOOOOOOSNDK!!)


Prompt: Tony flirts with Colin to make him flustered (specified that Colin is bottom)

Colin sits in his room, his tail swishing from side to side impatiently. He, for the past hour, has been trying to figure out how to use a sewing machine. He's seen Tony use it time and time again but can't figure it out. He was starting to get frustrated as he growled in anger. He started to tap his finger on his desk and sat back in his chair. He closes his eyes, starting to take deep breaths so he doesn't hit his desk, trying to focus on the finger taps and his breathing. Just then, he felt someone rubbing his shoulders. He jumps at the sudden touch and opens his eyes, looking up to see Tony.

“Hi, love~.” He said, almost singing while kissing his partner's cheek.

“Hey, bubus.” He smiles, blushing slightly at the gesture. “What brings you into my room?”

“I brought you some tea and a bagel. You've been in here all day, I'm worried for my little tech nerd.” He continued to rub Colin's shoulders. The taller of the two let's out a chuckle.

“Don't call me a “tech nerd”. I know I'm one, no need to remind me.” He continues to chuckle, blushing slightly. Tony reaches over and starts to rub Colin's hand.

“You know, I can teach you how to use that machine, right?” He suggests.

“Anthony, you're left-handed, and I'm right-handed. How are you gonna teach me when our dominant hands are different?” Colin questions.

“I broke my left hand once and had to teach myself how to use my right as well as my left. Just because I prefer my left doesn't mean I can't use my right.” He stands on his tippy toes to give Colin a kiss on the top of his head.

“What's with all the affection?” Colin giggled, his tail wagging in a more happy way. He picks up a bagel and starts to eat it.

“No reason~.” He smirks, kissing Colin's cheek again. Tony starts to rub Colin's shoulders again. “You know you have nice shoulders, right~?” Colin seemed a bit confused.

“I do? I didn't know that.” Colin takes a sip of his tea and continues to eat his bagel. Tony then hugs him to the best of his ability from behind because Colin was sitting in a chair.

“You know, I can help you with the sewing machine now by guiding your hands.” He smirks, kissing the back of Colin's neck.

“Oh, okay.” He places his bagel down and puts on some hand sanitizer. Tony places his hands on top of Colin's.

“Okay, so, check your threads. Are they tangled? If they are, take them out of place and cut off the tangled bit then place it back.” Tony explained, trying to make it sound as simple as possible for his lover to understand, due to the fact he has a hard time picking up on instructions when he's new to something. Colin opens the compartments and checks the threads.

“They're good.” He closes the compartments. “Now what?”

“Do you have a pattern all figured out, because I would love to see your beautiful work. It'll most definitely be as pretty as you, but nothing can top your beauty~.” Colin darts his eyes to the side, blushing a bit.

“Tone-Tone, stop it..” He was trying to hide a smile.

“Come on Colin, let me see your fangs. They shine as bright as your personality~.”

“ANTHONY!!” Colin shouts quietly in a flustered manner. His tail starts to wag at a quicker pace.

“Awww~ is someone happy to hear my voice~?” Tony was starting to push Colin's limits.

“S- SHUT UP!!” He covers his face with his hands. His elven-like ears wiggle slightly from being so flustered. Tony found it cute when Colin would get flustered and was happy that he got his reward.

“Looks like I won~.” He chuckles, turning Colin's chair around and removing his hands from his face, giving him a quick peck on the lips.

“S- Stop it.. you're m- making me all red a- and stutter-y..” Colin mutters out. Tony messes with a strand of Colin's long, white, soft hair that he put up into a high ponytail so it wouldn't get caught in the machine.

“You're adorable~.” He kisses Colin's forehead.

“C- Can we just use the sewing machine n- now..?”

“Of course my darling~. My sunshine~. The light of my life~.”

“Okay now you're just pushing it.”

They would both laugh off their little back and forth, enjoying each other's company as Tony helped guide Colin through the process of creating a sweater. After everything was finished, they cleaned up and cuddled for a bit on Colin's bed.

“H- Hey Tony..” Colin mutters out, his face still trying to recover from blushing so much.

“Yeah, hun?” Tony had been playing with Colin's hair while they were cuddling, but stopping when his lover spoke.

“W- Why did you m- make me all f- flustered.” Their tail was wagging slightly while speaking.

“One of my siblings made a bet with me to do it.” Tony responded.



“Oh, what you bet with? Ice cream? One to pay for the other's Netflix subscription?” Colin was curious.



“Yes, $100.” Colin's jaw dropped when Tony said that.

“Don't you think that's a little extreme?”


“Oh, okay..” Colin nuzzled his face against Tony's cheek. “Did you know I love you?”

“Yes, I do, and I love you too.”

“I love you more.”

“I love you more, times infinity.”

“NUH UH!!”

(Okay, there we go!! Hope you enjoyed this silly one)


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