>Art Block [Creativespark]<

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Creativespark to throw into the mix bc there is SOOOO much DT atm (it's not a bad thing bc DT is my otp)

Requested by: No one, all me lol


Sketch was standing outside, feeling the cold wind of the spring roll through. They were happy that it was getting warmer out from the winter, but the cold was still there. They stare at the blank canvas in front of them that has been there for what feels like hours, the brisk breeze continued to hit their skin, rolling shivers up their spine which kept them awake and ready to paint. But what were they missing? They hum in annoyance while chewing on the back of their paint brush, tapping their foot on the ground. Sketch was getting a bit irritated. They look at their surroundings, trying to find what to paint.

“What if-” Shakes their head. “How about-” Shakes their head again. “Maybe-” They groan as they facepalm. “UGH-! Creativity is SOOOOOO hard right now. Why?!”

They angrily place down their paint brush, getting into a hammock strung up between two trees, lying there with a mind full of irritation and zero ideas. They groan as they stare up at the sunlight shining in between the leaves, feeling the brisk breeze against their face. They breathe in the breeze, smelling quite nice to the creativity teacher. They take some deep breaths while closing their eyes. The sounds of subtle breeze, leaves shifting, nature in general, started to calm their mind, allowing the irritated screams in their mind to calm.

Hearing grass shift from under the forest critters' feet was also quite nice. Hmm? That's odd, the walking seems to get a bit closer. Sketch shrugs it off, thinking it's just a bunny scurrying around the yard. It gets closer and closer, until it stops next to Sketch. The hammock starts to be rocked back and forth by someone pushing it. This was a calming feeling to Sketch. They were just hoping it wasn't one of their brother's, Tony or Larry, trying to pull a prank on them.

As the breeze hits their face again, they take in the soft smell of strawberries. That rules out a lot of possibilities on who could be there. The only person they really know, and trust, that could smell of that sweet smell was…

“Tracey~.. I know that's you, spark.” They open their eyes and softly stare at their lover. Electracey gives Sketch a bright smile, leaning over and giving them a soft kiss on the forehead.

“Hewo, sweetie! How's it goin’?” The spark of joy asked, crawling into the hammock and laying on top of Sketch. They both chuckle slightly.

“Well, I'm not feelin’ all that creative today… *sigh*.. It's annoying.” Sketch rolls their eyes.

“Hey, hun, it's okeii. You're probably just going through an art block.” Electracey runs their fingers through their lover's hair. Sketch nods, smiling lightly while blushing.

“I guess you're right.” Sketch nuzzles their noses together, giving them a quick peck on the lips.

“Sweetheart, you call that a kiss?” Tracey would lean down and kiss Sketch passionately on the lips. The creativity teacher kisses back, wrapping their arms around their lover's waist. After a little, Tracey lets go. “That's a kiss.” Sketch chuckles at this response.

“I know. I just wanted to give you a peck. You always make everything big. You always gotta challenge.” They ruff the electricity teacher's hair, both of them giggling softly.

“We should go inside for a bite to eat. Whaddya say?”


“Great! Let's go- AHH!!” Electracey accidentally flips over the hammock, which causes the both of them to fall to the soft grass below. Both of them grunt as they hit the ground, both of them lying side by side, staring up at the leaves. They were both breathing heavily, which went into laughter.

“W- Why'd ya do that?!” Sketch asked between laughs and breaths. Tracey just started to laugh harder.

“I DON'T KNOW!!” They were laughing so hard, they started to tear up and snork, which was followed up by Sketch laughing hard at that.

Both of them laid on the ground for a while, laughing hard. They start to calm down, getting up and starting to head inside. Maybe being creative can't be forced, it takes time. Maybe you might find that creativity with a good laugh.



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