Dragon ball oc (updated)

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Name : Scarlett Mei
Nickname : Princess ( of her rank ) , Evil child , Royal Model , red eyed twin , daddy's girl

Mantle / Title : Bloody Scarlett ( because of her mass killings to those of planet earth and other planet natives)
The cursed princess ( possessing the cursed transformation)

Age : 18

Height : 5'7

Gender : Female

Race : Higher evolved Saiyan ( HES)

Description: a type of specifics of Saiyan that is said to be way more perfected and evolved than a normal Saiyan, physically stronger and have a great vast of potential than normal Saiyans . They physically look like normal Saiyans except the tail resembles a more long fluffy tail of a cat than much of an ape's tail , visible fangs, and slightly pointy ears. They have transformations , but less than that of normal Saiyans because their base form can match or rival those of normal Saiyans that are transformed. They tend to be gifted with an elemental power and other " gifted " abilities

The HES (Higher Evolved Saiyans) live in more luxury and higher technology on their planet as well ruled by a King , Queen , and their children . The dark side is this race is highly aggressive, and very imperialistic , wanting to expand their power which led to many leaving their home planet to conquer other " inferior" planets and kill all those who refused their influence .

Universe : ??

Sexuality : Bisexual


Clothing : she's a model so it highly varies

Personality : Scarlett is highly mature but is shadows by her abrasive and aggressive behavior, easily solving a problem with her killing or violence.

Worship :from her Royal status at home

Manipulative  :knows exactly the right words or actions to manipulate those into getting what she wants .

High intelligence: she hard to trick , seduce, manipulate, or lower but she plays along to see if it'll lead her to entertainment, if not she exposes the other person she knew and will insult them then violence. She is also smart in combat and tends to read her opponents like a book and quickly deals with them

Stubborn and will admit it she doesn't take shit from anyone but her superiors.

She can be seductive and lower those weak minded just to kill them

She has a soft spot for animals and elderly people and respects those much older than those around her age or look like they're young She sees them as benefit

.She is also ravenous and craves full loyalty to her and her people and power even sacrificing some of her morals to get it , going behind her family's vows in doing hemomancy that lead to losing half her sanity in it .

Respect and loyalty: she can be very trustworthy and reliable, only if you earned it or actually defeat her and let her left .... even if she tells you to just flat out kill her

Likes : being spoiled and praised, belittling others , getting some attention, getting what she wants, animals and oddly old people complimenting her or giving her advice. Oranges , leading people on , stormy days, lightning during storms . Killing , fighting, bragging about her power and strength, pissing people off , humbling people , causing total destruction in places , pain or crying or others , being entertained, physical pain to herself by someone actually managed to get a good one in , ECT

Dislikes : the color pink , anything that's " bland " in her eyes , weakness, those who don't obey her commands , the " lower " species of Saiyan on Earth . Being bored , not getting what she demands for , being called a very spoiled brat , people who think she's fragile ,harm to animals and elderly people, trying to flirt after she gives clear signs of not being interested, saying she doesn't know what she is doing ( referring to that she lives alone without parental supervision or guardian ) , being compared to those she's know are inferior to her , disrespect her family ECT

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