quirk and character info pt. one

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Name- Izuku "Horrendous" Midoriya

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Name- Izuku "Horrendous" Midoriya

Age- 13 (flashback) /15 (current story)

Species- Hybrid (Human/Quirk)

Quirk- Lycanwing

Quirk Desc.- Lycanwing is a transformation/mutation type quirk with the ability to shift and shape the user but the user maintains features from his quirk (like scales, teeth, nails, ECT)

Quirk abilities-

(I'll be using Km/H "Kilometers per hour" and Km/S "kilometers per second" and for those who dont know I'll find the approx in  M/H "Miles per hour" for the speed stats.)

Array of fire types (plasma, magnesium, lava, gas, lightning, acid, ECT)

Ability to swim underwater at high speeds (top speed: 22 Km/s or approx 49.1 M/h)

Ability to fly at high speeds (448 Km/s or approx 1002.1 M/h)

Ability to carry several tons of weight.

Ability to cloak into the background.

Ability to create explosions.

Ability to secrete mucus.

Ability to see in the dark.

Ability to see body heat.

Ability to control others with the mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2023 ⏰

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