The Damage

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(Most of the first half of Act 2 should focus on Lois trying to uncover the truth about Clark)

(Clark goes home and trains in New Mexico in his powers. It's similar to the original but also different. When he gets back, Pa Kent dies in a tornado)

(This is when we meet Zod finding out about the two escape pods)

(After training, Zod enters Earth without announcing himself)

NOTE: Zod is direct. ALWAYS

(We want Superman to be inspiring so I am okay with Billy Batson having a cameo in this. It also couldve happened in all of the main Snyder movies)

(We have to have the army scene and the damage heavy fight have yo be switched)

(Someone on Zod's crew threatened his MA Kent and Clark fights Zod"s crew)

NOTE: Clark shouldn't have the suit yet. He's in sweats. The suit is a part of his arc

(The army is still scared of him and attacked by everyone. Human sees him as an alien)

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