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THE CITY THAT NEVER SLEPT was a tiring place to live compared to the green fields of northern California.
The light pollution was so thick, the sweet, full moon was barely visible and the stars were hidden behind clouds of smog and cigarette smoke. The bustling buildings and streets had replaced the galaxies that once resided in the black sky, and humans from around the world held hands to cross streets, or dressed in their finest clothes to celebrate their life and possessions. It was truly human, at its core. The city had a mind of its own, and everyone in it moved as one.

Cataluña liked New York City a lot so far. She always wanted to visit it, because of the stories her father would begrudgingly share of his life there.

Cataluña didn't like it at all, when she first arrived two weeks ago, but after her father moved them into a new, small-ish apartment next to a lovely woman with curly black hair and hazel eyes, with crows feet whenever she smiled to match, she noticed a big change in her feelings for New York.

The woman was named Sally Jackson. She had become good friends with Cataluña's father, Martin, rather quickly, and had soon gotten close with Cataluña herself after sharing her old clothes from the 90s with the girl, and beauty secrets, and embarrassing stories of her son. Sally loved her son a lot, that was clear. The beautiful woman brought him up at least once in ever conversation. She figured out that his name was Percy, he loved the color blue (Sally had a small jar filled with blue jellybeans, and offered to buy Cataluña some purple ones, as that was her favorite color), and he had been in summer camp upstate New York, with his best friends all summer. Cataluña was envious, and reminded of her own camp which had filled her summers for years.

Sally was hoping for the two to become friends, as apparently they had much in common. The sweet mother had even advised Martin to enroll Cataluña in the same high school school (Goode School) as Percy for the new year, and since the man she was dating was the principal, it could easily be done.

Cataluña was weary. She never really had any normal friends. There was too much at risk, and too many secrets to keep. It was easier to stick to her own, strange world. Easier to talk to the moon. But if Percy was anything like Sally, who was kind, humble, and unbelievably understanding, she thought maybe she could give it a chance. She wasn't sure, but Sally had told her that he was to come home from camp in a week or so, and that he could show her around New York before school started. She agreed for Sally's sake, as she had grown a fondness for the woman, never having a real mother by her side.

Cataluña and Martin had moved into the apartment during the final embers of August, when the sun slowly cooled, and warm summer breeze had extended its wonder. August was always such a bittersweet month, filled with endings. It was a period to end a sentence, a final goodbye, a breakup, or the end of an old self. But her papa always told her to think of endings as redirection, or new beginnings. New hope for a better future.

Cataluña had said her final goodbyes to everyone she cared about back in California, and was ready to move on and try to live a normal, mortal life. At least, that's what she thought her father wanted. She didn't exactly understand why they had up and moved all the way across America, and she felt hollow and new in a place where no one knew her, not even the stars. The Roman's had always warned her against the East Coast. It was considered bad luck to trespass on the foreign land, but for some reason, Cataluña felt alright. She hadn't come across many monsters on her way here, almost as if something was watching her, guiding her.

She didn't like to think about the people she had left behind. She knew she would never see him again, so she hid her melancholy in the deepest, most longing parts of her brain and shut them away. Her past was forgotten.

It was difficult for Martin Del Mar to move his entire life to the east coast. He didn't like the cold, and suffered with seasonal depression. Along with that, he had too many bad memories from the east coast. There was too much pain. Everywhere he turned reminded him of Luna, and it made him sick. He was a young father, and wasn't ready to have a daughter when he met her. He had tried his best to understand the world from a different perspective—a half blood's mind. But he was a human. Just a human. And he was scared of losing his cariño daughter, as he had already lost so much.

Despite this fear, he knew it was time for his daughter to find out the truth, and face her lineage and curse. She had finally turned 16, and was growing more and more powerful, and Martin was starting to dream about her future, nightmares would plague him of the quests she would go on and the danger she would face. He had no other living relatives, so he held onto her with all his love, but, he had learned, that to love someone fully and selflessly, you must set them free. He knew that was all Cataluña had ever wanted. Freedom.

It was almost September. The start of a new year—new life, for Cataluña. She could reinvent herself and become anyone she wanted. An artist, or an actress, or maybe even a movie director. She wasn't sure yet, but what she did know, is that she had never felt such freedom in her life, and maybe, finally, she didn't have to run away anymore.

In her small, twin sized bed, in her new apartment, she watched life pass through her window. Everything was smaller, and she was lulled to sleep by sounds of chatter, sirens, and cars. If she squinted her eyes really hard, she could see the moon and feel her light against her face. It was dim, but there. She stared as hard as she could, absorbing as much of the energy as possible, feeling a tiredness wash over her, and she was pulled into a deep sleep, and clouds and smoke overtook the moon once more.

Luna, let me be reborn once more. Please.

Chapter 1 is out!! Hope u guys like this :)

MOON GIRL!Chapter 1 is out!! Hope u guys like this :)

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