Ryan, the Ticklish Entertainment

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Ryan was a good boy. A little dim in the head and naive most of the time, but always well-mannered and well-meaning. He was a dedicated hard worker in whatever he set his mind to. He was usually generally happy to be around and help other people. He would often volunteer to help out at the houses of his middle-aged and elderly neighbors, doing such chores and cooking, cleaning, and providing friendly company where he could. He was a timid, sweet boy, who had a tendency for taking things at face value and believing just about anything he was told, particularly by the words of his mother.

"The girls just texted me, said that they'll be here shortly," said Ryan's mother, Gloria. She wore a dress for the evening that was equally as comfortable as it was elegant. Ryan had spent the better part of the day getting the house ready for his mother's bi-annual get-together with her friends. Gloria threw parties spaced out from regular holiday celebrations as another excuse to mingle over drink, prepared food, and specialized entertainment. Ryan played his part with a smile in preparing all of it. "Make sure the flutes are already poured by the time they arrive, alright dear?"

"Yes, mother," said Ryan, laying out the hor d'oeuvres he had prepared on a serving tray.

Where the boy lacked in most areas of intelligence and basic common sense, he made up for it with complacent obedience and conventional beauty. Ryan was a handsome young man, one built with a slim, athletic frame. His yellow hair was just long enough to make out the canary shade. His eyes sparkled when he smiled. He was already dressed for his role in the party, a pair of freshly pressed dress pants and a clip-on bowtie. Having Ryan go shirtless and barefoot for the events had become a tradition, a suggestion made by one of his mother's friends from years prior that stuck around through majority say. Ryan never minded. Through years of athletic activities and being in charge of his mother's landscaping, he certainly boasted an impressively toned and muscular physique for his age, though neither shame nor pride were ever factors in Ryan's presentation. He merely obliged with his trademark, thousand-watt smile, happy to be able to provide the best possible experience for them all.

Shortly after Ryan had everything set up, the first guest arrived. Ryan was stationed at the front door to greet each of them. He knew them well from how close his mother was with each of them. They were a tightly knit group that knew each other through various departments of local public office. The first was Sandra, a Director on the Board of Education. She greeted Ryan with a warm kiss on his cheek before he took her coat and purse to hang by the door. The next was Donna, a Secretary from the Planning and Transportation Department. She was much more vocal upon entering, as was her typical demeanor. She giggled a mature laugh as she traced her fingertips across Ryan's midsection.

Ryan had taken to serving the guests before the others came to the door. He silently handed out the drinks and hor d'oeuvres while they chatted among themselves about local politics, in and out of the public eye.

"Did you hear what's been happening over in the DA's office?" Sandra asked. The women sat around the seats in the living room, a warm fire crackling away in an ornate, stone mantle. A large, sturdy coffee table sat in the center as the midpoint between the seating.

"Uh oh, old Chamberlin screwing interns again?" Donna asked, rolling her eyes with a chuckle.

"I heard they were caught in his office," said Gloria, "where she was doing some of that 'under the desk' business." Donna howled with laughter as she sipped at her drink, nearly finishing the flute within the first two minutes.

"Hey now, I hope she's at least getting something out of it," she said, giving a sly glance to Ryan's backside as he brought her another glass. "Lord knows you'd never catch me under there otherwise."

"His wife evidently already knew and has just been quiet about it," said Sandra. "But after the disciplinary hearing he's going to have to go through, she may just up and leave him to save face."

Ryan, the Ticklish Entertainment (FFFFF/M)Where stories live. Discover now