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"MIA!" My father yelled busting my door open breaking it. "ITS 5:30 IN THE MORNING WAKE YOUR ASS UP!" He yelled pulling my blanket off.

"Yes father. I'm sorry." I said in tears terrified. I didn't go to bed until 3:45 because he was yelling at me telling me how much of a horrible daughter I was and how the doctors misgendered me and how mom should've killed me.

"Get fucking dressed." He said then stormed off.

I sat there crying quietly because if he found out I was crying he'd hurt me. After like 2 minutes I quickly got dressed putting on a nude bra, white tank top, nude thong, white leggings, and white boots. We're known for wearing white. So I have all white clothes besides certain clothes and my father hates it.

I'm Mia, it may sound like a lovely name to most but I'm named after my dads side chick that died in a freak car accident after my eldest brother found out about her. My full name is Mia Renee D'Marco. Renee is my moms middle name so at least I have a good name. My eldest brother name is Lorenzo but he goes by Enzo, he's named after my great grandfather who made our mafia the biggest one over in the late 1930s. My second eldest brothers name is Dante, he's named after my moms dad. And my third eldest name is Michael. Named after the archangel. Then there's me, Mia, named after the slutty mistress. As you can tell I'm very loved.

"Mia we have guests coming over. Dad wants you to be in you best behavior." Dante said.

"I'm ALWAYS in my best behavior." I said.

"You know what I mean." He said giving me a small smile. I went to my bathroom, put my hair up in a slick ponytail, did a Smokey eye and added a nude lip. I went to the kitchen to get some water.

"You look very lovely honey." My mom said.

"Thank you mom." I said with a smile.

"She looks like a slut." Father said.

"Dad. She looks beautiful." Enzo said looking at him.

"Beauty does not look like that. It looks like my Mia. The one who died." He said.

"And yet you still touched me when I was little." I said under my breath. Causing Michael and Dante to look at me.

"What was that?" Father asked.

"I asked when were the guests coming over?" I said.

"In about an hour." He said walking to his office.

"At 7 in the morning?" I asked.

"Yup." Enzo said.

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