Day 1

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We got a random knock on the door and I answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Move bitch." Father said pushing me out of the way.

"Hello sir, I'm Alexander Giovanni. You're daughters soon to be husband." I gasped.

He was blonde, brown eyes, fat, balding, and looked 50. I looked at Dante and he looked at me. I did a fake gagging face.

"Ah yes, come let's sit and eat lunch. Mia can you please join us." Wow he was nice. Maybe these 10 days won't be so bad after all. Hopefully this is just a prank.

"Of course dad." I said following him. I sat right next to Alexander. He kept putting his hand on my thigh. Ok a little touchy. Got it.

"So Alexander, what makes you so interested in my daughter?" My father asked.

"Well her smile, her dark brown hair, her beautiful amber eyes, her beautiful classic ivory skin. Her hips, the way that tank top lays on her breasts, those leggings, and her age." He said. Dante looked furious and my dad looked shocked.

"Well umm. Mia do you like anything about him?" My dad asked. "Of course if you marry a guy you have to like something about him." He added. I gave Dante and shocked look. Why was he so nice all of a sudden.

"Umm no. Not really. I really REALLY don't like the fact he's trying to touch me under the table right now." I said. As his hand kept going higher up my leg.

"Ok well she has spoken, goodbye Alex." Michael said pushing him out the door.

"You're so needy and picky and everything is all about Mia." My dad said towering over me.

"Well I'm sorry that I didn't like the way he was talking about me and making me feel!" I yelled at me dad. Causing him to slap me.

"Ow!" I said holding my cheek.

"You need to get a hold of yourself Mia! Not everything you want just happens! Sometimes you get touched and sometimes you marry someone you don't want to, it's how life works!" He yelled.

"I DONT WANT IT! I DONT WANT YOU TO CHOOSE THE MAN I MARRY! I DONT WANT 4 STRANGERS CHOOSING THE MAN I MARRY! I DONT WANT ANY OF IT!" I scream. Which was a mistake because here I am. Sitting in the shower. With a black eye, bloody lip, and probably many broken ribs. I let the warm water soothe everything.

When I get out I quite literally can't get dressed. I'm in so much pain. My mom is asleep. And the only other person I can think of is Dante. He helps me.

"You owe me big time." Dante says.

"For what? You're helping your baby sister who got beat by her dad." I said as he's putting on my shirt.

"Good point. Ok I'll carry you to your bed. And take a look at your ribs. Dads passed out so he won't get mad." He said.

"Thank you Dante. This truly means a lot." I told him.

"Of course Mia." He said then carry me carefully to my bed and carefully laid me down. He got some bandages and wrapped me up. Then gave me some medicine to help me sleep.

"Goodnight Dante."

"Goodnight Mia, sleep well. I'll see you tomorrow for contestant number 2." Dante said making me giggle.


"I'm so sorry!" He said.

"It's ok Dante. I promise."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19 ⏰

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