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It was 8 and my father was not happy. They were running late.

"You'd expect they would be here at 7. They said they'd be here at 7!" He said getting frustrated.

"Dad I'm sure it's ok. They probably had buisness to take care of." Michael said.

Then someone knocked on the door.

My dad opened it and I peeked and saw 4 men, all very muscular and not handsome at all.

"Family these are the Vinci brothers. They're here to help me find someone for Mia to marry." My father said with a huge ass grin.

"WHAT!?" I yelled.

"You heard me. You're getting married young lady. And if by June you don't have a man it'll be one of these brothers." My father said with a stern look.

"Father I'm 17. And it's May 21st. That's 10 days!" I said shocked.

"Then we better get to work. Come on guys. I'll lead you to my office." He said.

"Momma you can't allow this." I said teary eyed.

"I'm sorry honey. But I don't have a choice." She said with her voice cracking.

"I can't believe you. I can't believe all of you. You all knew this didn't you?" I said getting pissed.

Everyone looked down.

"Sis look you have to understand that dad is very threatening. You have no idea how much we wanted to warn you. We couldn't tho." Dante said.

"Don't bullshit me. You easily could've. You just chose not to and now I have to tell the man I love that I can't see him anymore without giving him a reason why and then marry someone who's probably gonna be ten times older than me." I said. Then went into my room.

I texted my boyfriend.

Me: hey baby, we need to talk.

Jackson <3: what's wrong?

Me: I can't date you anymore. As much as I love you and care about you. I can't.

Jackson <3: you're dad found out didn't he?

Me: yeah, he's forcing me to break up with you. I'm so sorry my love.

Jackson <3: it's ok my everything, we'll meet again. Well date again and have everything we dreamed of.

Me: we will baby. I love you.

Jackson <3: I love you too.

I blocked him so I wouldn't be tempted to text him and I cried the hardest I've ever cried. I didn't want to live. I love Jackson with my whole heart. I hate my dad. I hate my life. I hate the mafia.

"Hey Mia." Dante said walking in. Dante is my best friend. He's always been there for me. I've been there for him when he's had boy troubles.

"Just leave me alone." I said. Voice breaking.

"No. I can tell you're upset. Give me a hug." He said sitting on my bed next to me.

"UPSET!? Yeah I'm pretty fucking upset. I just broke up with my boyfriend of 2 years. 2 FUCKING YEARS! All because father wants to marry me off." I stated.

"I get that Mia. But please. Quiet down. You don't want him knowing that you had a boyfriend." Dante said. I scoffed. I didn't care anymore.

"I wish he would kill me." I said.

"No you don't." Dante said looking at me.

"Yes I do. I'm not happy here. I just lost the one place I could go. I can't go to school anymore because I graduated. I have nowhere to go Dante. I'm quite literally at the point where I want to fucking die." I said blank faced.

Dante had no expression. "Mia, believe me. You have no idea how much it would effect everyone in this house." He said.

"Please, dad would FINALLY be proud of me." I said with one mascara filled tear going down my face.

"I love you Mia. Never forget that." Dante said.

"I love you too Dante." I said then we hugged.

"None of those brothers were cute." Dante said making me giggle.

"They really weren't. Hopefully father finds me a brunette, blue eyed, muscular, 19 year old." I said.

"With the strong jawline." We said at the same time. We laughed together.

"My god you look horrible. Clean yourself up." Father said.

"Yes sir." I said going to the bathroom.

He pulled on my pony tail.

"If you think about laughing again, you'll regret it." He whispered in my ear.

I went to the bathroom and redid my make up and hair. Putting my hair in a bun this time. I heard my father and Dante arguing about us laughing and Dante kept defending me but there was no use. I'm not loved by him and I can tell. It fucking sucks.

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