Changed Names

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MelonTwinky: So do we slander Fiore or Riya next???

MelonTwinky: are you fucking shitting me rn.

WorksAtABar: Who changed your name??

JakesMysteryAdmirer: No..who changed OUR names??

RichBitch: I already know who's who.

Millenial: who did it?!

MelonTwinky:  what tf does my name even mean?💀

KissesGirls: it's obvious..

HowdyPartner: What's happening??

HowdyPartner: Why's my name changed?

MuteMiniGuy: mines already obvious.


KissesGirls: bc bacon comes from pigs (you) and you've been cooked by everyone way too often.

LittleBitch: HAH

LittleBitch: wait

LittleBitch: WHAT THE HELL.

7FootGiant: I know who you are and it suits you perfectly.

MelonTwinky: Who tf is 'JakesMysteryAdmirer' 

MelonTwinky: I'm rlly curious I can't lie

WorksAtABar: I'm gonna let you figure that one out

ChildNanny: I don't actually know either

ChildNanny: I'm not a nanny. I'm a girl scout leader.

MiniGuy: Okay, everyone say who they are so it's less confusing.

NerdMiniGuy: Dan

HowdyPartner: Ashley

7FootGiant: Will

ChildNanny: Lill

RichBitch: Nick

MelonTwinky: Tom

JakesMysteryAdmirer: mf, i'm tom

MelonTwinky: Yeah, but I had to put the blame on someone

MelonTwinky: Jake

WorksAtABar: Ellie

Millenial: Miriam

KissesGirls: Gabby

MuteMiniGuy: Drew

Bacon: Grett

LittleBitch: Fiore

LibraryGuy: Alec

MelonTwinky: Your names are accurate, mine isn't tho

Bacon: Bro, your name is accurate too you gay kid

MelonTwinky: Shut up you pig

Bacon: RUDE

MelonTwinky: oink oink

-Bacon has gone offline-

JakesMysteryAdmirer: My name isn't accurate either, tf???

MelonTwinky: My bad, sometimes I forget about you

WorksAtABar: Lies

KissesGirls: Lies

ChildNanny: Lies

Millenial: Lies

LittleBitch: Lies

LibraryGuy: Lies

RichBitch: Lies

LittleBitch: Okay, Nick responded. Chain's over.

MelonTwinky: Fr

NerdMiniGuy: Nick's always ruining it..

MuteMiniGuy: ^


-RichBitch has gone offline-

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