New Victims?

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"Tree!" Black Hole said and came up to me. I could tell he was upset. I figured he saw Marker.

"Black Hole, what's wrong?" I asked.

"I asked Lightning and Remote to help me find Marker, and, well..." Black Hole started. "Lightning, show him."

Lightning did as Black Hole instructed and took out Marker's dead body.

"Wh-what?! There's no way..." I said, pretending to act concerned and surprised. 

"We tried recovering him, but it didn't work. It just said error," said Lightning.

"That's what happened when I tried recovering him before you said he died. I thought he was still alive and we just couldn't find him," I said. "I never would have thought he died and couldn't be recovered!"

"I can't believe he's dead! I.. I really loved him..." said Black Hole.

"Hey, don't worry Black Hole. We'll always be here for you," said Lightning.

"Yeah, of course we will! Right Tree?" asked Remote.

"Yeah! I'll- we'll always be here for you. But, on a slightly different topic, do you know who could've done it?" I asked. I know who did it obviously. It was me. 

"I suspected it was Pillow," Remote said.

"I don't know who could even know how someone and they couldn't be recovered," said Lightning.

"I don't know who would be heartless enough to do something like that!" said Black Hole. If he could cry, I'm certain he would be crying right now.

"Well, let's say Remote is right and it was Pillow. How would we get proof?" I asked.

"Do we even need proof? We know Pillow. She's been killing for a really long time. She's definitely figured out how to permanently kill someone by now," said Remote.

"Should we confront her?" asked Lightning.

"You can, I have something else I need to do," I said. 

"Alright. Black Hole, you coming?" asked Remote.

"No, I just... I still can't believe he's dead!" said Black Hole.

"Alright, see you later," said Lightning.

"No, you won't see him later," I thought.

After Lightning and Remote left to go confront Pillow for something she didn't do, Black Hole just stayed with Marker. Or, well, Marker's dead body. I need to comfort him.

"Hey Black Hole? I know you're sad about Marker's death, but just know that I'll always be here for you when you need me," I said.

"Thank you, Tree..." said Black Hole. 

"You're welcome. I.. I wish he hadn't died.. I'm sorry..." I said. 

"Don't be. It isn't your fault..." said Black Hole. "W-would it be alright if I vent to you a little bit...?"

"Of course," I said.

"I'm... I'm afraid Marker isn't gonna be the only one! I know I'm safe because how would someone kill a black hole, but I'm scared that you or someone else I care about is next! I don't want to lose you or anyone else!" said Black Hole.

"Hey, don't worry. I promise, I won't let them kill me! Trust me on that!" I said.

"You better not! I couldn't deal with losing you too!" said Black Hole.

I blushed. "I promise, I won't let them kill me," I said.

"I don't know what I'd do without you. Or Remote. Or even Lightning! I know he can be.. annoying.. at times, but I do really care about him," said Black Hole.

"Yeah, I hope we figure out who did it before anyone else important to you dies," I said.

"I hope so too... Hey, would it be alright if I had a bit of alone time with Marker, or Marker's dead body technically?" asked Black Hole.

"Yeah, sure," I said. I then left and looked back after a bit and saw Black Hole still 'crying'. It hurt me seeing him so sad, but I couldn't have Marker stealing him from me! 

I went to go plan my next kills. Yes, I do mean kills. I have two people I need to kill next: Remote and Lightning.

I don't care if they die with each other or at separate times, I just need to kill them. They've gotten too close to Black Hole and they may steal him from me. I know that he doesn't like them the same way he liked Marker, but they're too close to getting to that point. I don't have to worry about killing them both at once because killing someone doesn't take too long, so killing them both won't be an issue.

They need to die. I need to be the only one for Black Hole.


A/N: Why am I uploading chapters so fast?! 3 in one day? What??? Anyway, uh, sorry Remote and Lightning fans. And Marker fans.  Please don't kill me. 

Also, I was planning on having Tree kill everyone who Black Hole is shipped with to my knowledge/all his ships listed on the shipping wiki (, but I'm indecisive on whether he should kill Four and Two, because they're listed as friendships but they're probably also shipped romantically be some people. Should Tree kill 2 and 4?

- Crystal, CEO of Treehole and Airypack 

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