Wake up call

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Floyd woke up to the sun shining in his face. He did not want to get up, but he knew Grandma wouldn't be happy with him sleeping in. So he reluctantly got up. 

His room was quite spacious, it had two beds, one pink and the other blue, posters all over the wall, albums in the drawers, pictures on the shelfs and a lot of drawings all over the floor. He smiled softly at the drawing. The drawings that branch makes are always adorable, also ambitious. He really wants to make a bunker and has been sketching out ideas, but only he's seven. There was only so much he could do at the moment.

Well speaking of branch, he noticed that the blue troll was not in bed. Branch must have gotten up earlier. Wait, what time is it? He checked the clock on the wall. 

9:30, he must have slept in.

He went to get changed to start his day. Putting on his pink vest and white pants, doing his makeup and fixing his hair. He was about finished when he accidentally bumped a photo off a shelf. He tried to catch it but it landed on the ground, with a crack.

“On no.” he said aloud. Grandma was going to kill him if he broke the frame. He quickly picked up the frame to see if it was damaged. To his horror there was. There were multiple cracks along the frame. He started to freak out about how he was going to fix this. 

Should he glue it? Replace it and not tell Grandma? Tell Grandma?! What is he going to do!

He was on the verge of crying when he noticed who was in the photo, it had him, John Dory, Spruce, Clay and bitty b or branch. All in their iconic outfits at the time. The cracked lines splitting his three older brothers from each other, and him and Bitty b.

It was no secret that he and Branch miss their older brothers. But the argument they had caused all three of them to run away. With the cracked frame it seemed to mock that they were separated.

Floyd sighed, he was no better, he was thinking of doing the same thing, but when he looked at Branch he realized he couldn't leave. Branch would be all alone. Of course grandma would be there but he didn't want Branch to feel abandoned.

He felt himself start to tear up from the negative past. So he shook head trying to get rid of sad thoughts. It was all in the past, there was no need to dwell on it.

He put the photo back, planning on telling Grandma later, and headed out of the room. 

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