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They Were walking through the tree to get to the river, saying hello to their neighbors. Him and Branch were just chatting talking about the bunker Branch wants to build once they escape, while holding hands. Floyd would love it if they finished building those escape tunnels, but they wouldn't be done in weeks. Which is a little frustrating, he wants to go now, but he understands that there is only so much they could do. He just hopes its finished before trollstice, he doesn't want princess poppy to be eaten.

“Hello there, Rosiepuff!” 

He was snapped out of his thoughts when King Peppy greeted them. Isn't he usually busy? Grandma Rosiepuff turned around to greet him.

“Hello King Peppy!” She said happily. “What are you doing, this fine morning.”

“Just checking up on the village.” He said casually. “What about you Rosiepuff?”

She pointed at the laundry basket in her arms and said, “Just doing some laundry.”

“Well that's good!” He said, he then noticed him and Branch and started talking to them “Floyd, Branch it's good to see you! Helping your Grandma out?”

“Yeah!” Branch said excitedly, while Floyd hid behind Grandma a bit, nodding his head. He wasn't scared of King Peppy, he just finds him a bit much. 

King Peppy chuckled, amused by their antics, “You got sweet grandkids.”

She looked down towards them and smiled, “Yeah.” 

Branch looked up towards Grandma, smiled, and said “That's because Grandma is the best!” Floyd nodded his head in agreement. “She takes care of us and makes the best cupcakes!”

King Peppy smiled and said, “Well I better get going, got to do those king stuff!” He then walked away, but before he was gone, two heads popped out of his hair and waved at them. They waved back, smiling, and started walking again towards the river.


Branch and Floyd were playing in the lake, while Grandma was washing their clothes. Floyd helped in the beginning, but Branch got bored and distracted Floyd by splashing water towards him. Which prompted him to splash back, but Grandma didn't mind. 

When she was about done she called both him and Branch. They both quickly dried off and quickly followed their Grandma to hang the laundry on the line.

When they got there Floyd helped their Grandma put the laundry on the line, while Branch played nearby. It was quite peaceful, though they had to keep an eye out. You'd never know when the chief will come. 

It was quiet, except for Floyd and Grandma Rosiepuff hanging laundry, and Branch was getting bored. He didn't want to keep playing games. Branch stood there for a moment until he saw a red flower, he got an idea.

He picked the flower up but it up to his face then froze. He hadn't sang in a long time, not since John, Spruce and Clay left. He then looked at Grandma and Floyd, maybe he could sing for them. 

After quickly checking to see if there were any bergens nearby, he lifted the flower up to his face and began to sing.

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