Chapter 2 - Kayleigh Jennings (Part 2)

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"Kayleigh, colleges love seeing when kids take on that extra challenge. Passing an honors class that you failed the year before could really help you."

I bit my lip in thought.

She's right.


"So she wants you to stay in the class for the rest of the year?" Brittany asked, leaning her arm over her head in a stretch.

We were at practice, warming up with the rest of the squad. Some of us are doing calisthenics, others are stretching.

"Yup. Of course I still made sure she sent in the request." I brought my knee to my chest and pulled it.

"Crawford's right though, Kay. This class could seriously help your numbers." Dana was doing squats.

"I know it could, I just don't have enough free time to deal with it right now."

"Alright everyone, Coach Tina had to leave early today because she was having family issues. She'll be back tomorrow." Mia announced.

Mia was not only the cheer captain but she was the fakest bitch you could meet at this school. She was only cheer captain because her sister was captain last year and it was passed down to her.

"But basically she wants us to do what we've been doing for the past week. Clean up the routine. So get in position. We're starting from the top." she finished as everyone was getting into place.

Next thing I know it's almost 6 o'clock, practice went overtime again. I didn't even realize until I saw Brad walk in. I was working with Dana, Kara, Amy, and Taylor on how to do a better basket toss twist. I'm the flyer.

I'm short so...that decision wasn't hard at my first cheer practice.

"Ready, one two." Dana lifted me up onto the girls' hands and they all hoisted me up perfectly. I twisted my body in the air all in time to fall safely back into their arms.

"Holy crap guys, that was perfect!" I yelled. They all laughed. "Now just keep doing exactly what you just did. Let's try the torch scorp again, just to make sure."

We got into position and Dana counted us off. They hoisted me up and held my foot. After securing my balance, I lifted my foot up behind my head and held it.

Sounds pretty painful, huh? Yeeears of practice.

"Woohoohoo, my girlfriend is flexible." I heard Brad yell as he was walking in. I smiled at him.

"Cradling ready, one two."

I swung my leg down and fell into their arms.

"Good job girls." I said to them before walking over to my bag and grabbing the water bottle next to it. "Football practice over already?" I took a sip of my water. I noticed his curly hair had slightly fallen, probably because his helmet was smashing it.

"It's been over for a half hour." he scoffed.

"Really?" I gasp. I picked up my phone to check the time. It's 6:37, cheer practice ends at 5! "You guys we went over ending time by an hour and a half." I yelled out to them.

"Wow. Well I guess we could run the routine one more time?" Mia looked around. Everyone agreed and got into position. "Play the mix!"

Music make you lose control

Music make you lose control

When the beat dropped, we all started doing our collaboration of kicks, flips, jumps, and splits all in 3 minutes.

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