2- First Biscuits

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Stella was angered when she saw the cat carrier. She was stuffed into it and she wouldn't stop meowing. It felt like it was cruel to stuff any animal into a small carrier such as this one.

Now they were in the car and she was trying her best to unlatch it with her paw. She finally does it after a few attempts and kicks the carrier into the jeep floor. Stiles was driving and Noah was off duty so he was in the back with Scott.

Stiles squeals as he tries to tell her to calm down but he relaxes when she sits peacefully in the front seat. "You're a smart little kitty aren't ya?" Stiles asks reaching his hand to pet her. He couldn't quite reach so she leans hops and sits on his thigh.

"She's like you but a cat almost," Scott jokes.

"Oh no; now we have two Stiles," Noah jokes with a shake of his head. Stiles gives his father a brief playful glare throw the rearview mirror.

Stella meows and starts to explore the car. She wanted to know her surroundings. She settled on the back seat between Noah and Scott for a bit until she went back to Stiles and sat on his lap. She eventually fell asleep and she heard clicks. She recognized the sound as camera sounds.

She squeaks a sleepy meow as she feels herself being picked up. She was carried to an unknown house that she assumed would be her new home. Once she was in a room with a bed she hopped down and began sniffing around. Scott entered a bit after with a cat tree. "I fixed it up in the car while she slept," Scott shrugs at Stiles' confused expression.

Stella sat in an office chair examining the two as they spoke to each other. They were talking about something that just happened according to how they talked about it. Something about something called "Void".

Stiles sat on his bed, shaking his leg quickly as he fidgeted with his hands. She recognized this as anxiety as she had it herself. She hopped off and climbed into his lap, purring up a storm so he could pay attention to her. He smiles at her and stops shaking his legs.

The two boys decided it was enough talking about their supernatural problems and started to talk to Stella as if she could respond. And Stella did but with various types of meows.

Eventually, the boys decided to watch some movies and Stella sat watching the movie with them. They were watching Captain America and the Winter Soldier and Stella sat with them and watched. Every time Bucky would appear Stella would meow. "Do you like Bucky?" Stiles asked in a teasing tone toward Stella. Stella meowed as a yes.


Later that night Stiles was curled up into a ball cuddling one of the numerous pillows he had. Stella sensed his anxiety and started pulling on the pillow and replaced it with herself. He had been crying. Stella licks his face and Stiles grumbles out a "quit it."

After a while, he broke the silence. "I killed her," Stiles sniffles to Stella. "I killed Allison." He shuffled onto his back, moving Stella onto his chest. She sat down and started to lick his tears. She didn't want him to feel this way. Stella doesn't know who he was talking about but she couldn't bear to see her new friend cry in such a depressing way- a grieving way.

She also didn't think he killed her. She refused to believe that Stiles would willing to hurt someone. Especially with how he was sobbing for hurting her in the first place.

Stella did what could and released a long meow. Then she remembered when she had a cat when she was younger-- long before she was turned into a werecat-- an action that calmed her.

She started 'making biscuits' on his chest. He was wearing a nightshirt so her claws weren't digging into his skin as much as they could. He giggles at her and wipes his tears. Then Stella nuzzles against his face to wipe them with her fur. Stiles chuckles once more and pulls her back onto his chest. "You know, I don't think I regret choosing you. You're a pretty cool cat."

And you're a pretty cool human, Stella thought.

Started: 12.26.23
Last edited: 12.27.23
Published: 12.27.23

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