7- Munch

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Stella woke up with a screaming Scott. Her eyes burst open and she realizes why he had screamed in such a horrid way. The night before she had stripped herself from her shirt. But luckily Stiles was covering most of her breasts with his head, who was wide awake. "Shut up," Stella grumbles, throwing his pillow at him. "My body is sensitive and that shirt was itchy," she whines, pulling the blanket to cover her chest. Stiles squirms into her body, "I ain't complaining."

"You're a munch," Stella laughs, pulling him out by the nape of his neck. Now his chest was pressed against his, his cheek on her shoulder.

"If being a munch allows me to eat pussy a lot of the time, I don't think I mind it," Stiles quips with a smirk. Scott stifles a giggle and shakes his head. Then Stiles says something that catches both Scott and Stella off guard. "To be a munch I would have to eat a woman out, you wanna help me finish the last thing?"

Stella burst out laughing. "Time out! Now! Nose in the corner of the tent!"

Stiles scoffs and clicks his tongue. "Tsk tsk, kitty. You don't get to scold me like that," he says jokingly. Stella didn't think he was joking around but she knew he was trying to play it off as one.

"Guys, I'm still here," Scott groans against Stiles' shoulder.

"Shut it, I've heard you fuck Kira before-"

"You have not."

"Have to."


"Oh, Scotty, please! Deeper! Come on alpha!" Stiles teases in a high-pitched voice mimicking Kira's voice. Scott's face beamed red. "Okay, maybe you have."

All the while, Stella was starstruck. She did not want to know about Scott fucking anyone. Especially the name she called him. "You're an alpha, I kind of forgot about that, Ya know the eyes and all," Stella pipes in.

"Is that all you got out of that?"

Stella shook her head. "You inquired that you wouldn't mind going down on someone in front of Scott."

Stiles smirks. "Huh, you are smart." Stella rolls her eyes. He then straddles her waist, his hands finding her waist. His eyes flicker from her chest and he swiftly covers her chest with the shirt she took off the previous night. "Can I?"

"No, not in front of me," Scott answers for Stella. Stiles lets out an annoyed groan. He throws back his head and crosses his arms. "It was worth a try." Then Stiles thought of an idea. "Scott go take a hike."

"Not unless Stella wants to. Otherwise, I'm staying right here, you horny fuck."

"At least you don't live with him," Stella grumbles in faux annoyance. "He's like a fucking bunny," Stella adds as she smiles wide at the joke she made. For some reason, she didn't find herself being annoyed. She was quite flattered that he wanted to do something with her. It made her nervous, yes, but that was only because it's been a while since the last time she was intimate with someone. And that was only a sleazy handjob from her to her ex a few years back.

Stiles pins her arms down and laughs in a pseudo-dark way. To escape she forms into her black leopard. She wasn't wearing pants as well, not that Scott had known that. She opened the tent with her sharp teeth and ran out. Stiles ran after wanting to have some fun as well. He tackles her and she squirms out of his grip. Scott stood at the tent and she tackled him causing the boys to gang up on her in a cuddle on the dirt ground covered by numerous colors of leaves.

The triad continued to play around before eventually, they got tired. Stella turned back to human form and stole Stiles' jacket. It was a black and grey striped jacket; it covered her well, and it was soft against her sensitive skin. She also had put on the pair of sweat he gave her the previous night. Stiles had kept eyeing her from the side when she walked out of the tent, eventually turning into a full gawking session as he checked her out.

Stella sat down on the ground, her hand holding her stomach as she went. She had a scowl on her face and Stiles chucked her a bag. It had an egg sandwich in it. She squeaked with joy and began eating it.

"I knew you were hungry," he laughs. Stella groans at the taste of the eggs. She throws her head back in approval and goes back for another bite. She gives him a thumbs-up and takes another big bite. Stiles watches her eat, almost like he has hearty eyes. Stella didn't care that he was watching, she was used to it: he would watch her eat when she was a cat.

When Stella was done she gave him the plastic bag back and ran to the water behind a tree. What he didn't know is that she stripped naked and didn't into the water. Stiles and Scott came around the tree and saw her clothes on a low branch and shrugged. They began to strip naked as well and dive into the pond

The pond was beautiful. It ran into a stream from the waterfall going down the mountain as it went. The water was dark and mysterious, a few leaves littering the top of the water from the leaves having fallen.

Stella swims to Stiles as she has gotten a cramp in her calf. She latched onto his shoulder with her arms, her cramped leg wrapping around his waist. He chuckled at her and reached his hand to have her lower back before it smoothed against her skin to her calf. Seemingly she felt no pain almost instantaneously so she thanked him with a kiss on the cheek.

He gave her a dark look, almost not looking like him before it turned soft when she smiled at her. Scott eyes the look with suspicion but begins to swim laps around the two, periodically giving the two a splash. The group turned on each other and started splashing at each other.

"Can we have pizza later?" Stella asks after they have calmed down. It was now noon and they still hadn't gotten out of the water. Stella had gotten out a few minutes ago so she could dry her hair a bit quicker by running around. Stiles had watched her doing so before Scott pulled him under the water, and then they had started to splash each other. 

"Stel, I already told you were going to get some pizza," he says stepping out of the water, giving her a full show. She didn't stop herself from eyeing him this time, admiring the water dripping from his naked body for once. He got her stare and smirked a bit covering his private area nonetheless. He covered it with both of his hands before he grabbed his shirt to dry with and slipped on his sweats. Stella watched him doing so: s
he was the one staring for a change. "You're staring," he says using her words from the day prior.

"You're my owner, I'm allowed to stare remember?" she smirks. He groans and walks toward her and hugs her. Surprisingly he doesn't do anything provocative; He only puts his face in the crook of her neck. She scratches his back affectionately to calm the nerves that she smelt; it works as his breathing becomes more calm. It was still heavy from the comment but not as panicked, and for that she was thankful. She didn't want to have another panic attack on her hands: she hated seeing him upset.

"I thought I would enjoy you flirting but it makes me nervous," Stiles admits in a whisper. She giggles and kisses the nearest skin that was close to her: the back of his neck. He shudders while she whispers. "Do you want me to stop?" He shakes his head quickly, "Never stop, it's nice."

"Yeah, it fuels his ego," Scott says coming out from behind a tree. He had his shorts on now, his shirt in his hands. "You can smell it if you focus enough."

Stella sniffs, causing Stiles to laugh and shove her away. She doesn't stop and grabs him by the arms as he is laughing like he is being tickled. "Oh my gosh, I never noticed that! That's cool!" Stella yells.

Started: 12.28.23-12.29.23
Last edited: 12.29.23
Published: 12.30.23

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