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summer of 2006,,

The taxi rolled up to the gates of Saltburn for the sixth year in a row. It had become a tradition for Lydia Moore to visit every summer now.

However she wasn't sure how this summer would go as she hadn't seen Felix since the previous one due to him going to Oxford University. Not to mention she hadn't seen Venetia and Farleigh since last summer either.

"Thank you." She said to the driver as she exited the cab sent to her by the Catton family, or more specifically by Elsbeth, Felix's Mother who had taken a liking to her just like he had said all those years ago, back at the boarding school.

Before she knew it the two black doors were opening themselves for her as she came face to face with one of the butlers, Duncan.

"Hello, Duncan." Lydia said and shot him a smile as he took her bag and placed inside the houses entrance.

"Hello, Miss Lydia we've been expecting you patiently." He said before moving his hand. "I know you know your way around Saltburn, but your room has been changed."

"Changed? I thought Felix liked having our rooms beside each other?" She questioned as Duncan walked her near to where her old bedroom was.

"Mr Felix has invited another friend around from the summer, Oliver Quick." Duncan said and then opened the door to her new room.

It looked vaguely the same as her previous one. Expect of course it was further away from Felix's. His was now in the next corridor over, but Lydia understood that this was his house and she was the guest so she was fine with this new room.

"Thank you Duncan."

"The family is in the living room." He informed her before bowing, then leaving.

Lydia couldn't help but look deeper in the room before plopping herself down onto the bed and sinking into its comfy mattress with a sigh.

Then she heard two knocks at the open door making her lift her head only to see Felix leaning on the door frame staring down at her on the bed.

"Hey Lyds." He smiled and she smiled back.

"Hey fefe."

Then he came over and she stood up before he engulfed her in a hug. Felix was a hugger and had always been like this.

One notable change about him was he now had his ears pierced, a better haircut and more tan skin. It made his features stand out for and made him even more god like.

Lydia found her thoughts lingering onto this very boy a lot more recently as the weeks to summer led up, but seeing him now in all his glory she understood why she had been thinking about him so much, who wouldn't.

"How've you been?" Lydia asked him.

"Same old, same old."

"Who's your new friend."

"Fuck Duncan told you about that? Look Lyds I'm so sorry he took you room it's just-"

"It's fine I don't care, I'm just a guest." She said and tried to smile though inside she did feel a bit betrayed but it's like she said Felix was a good guy and wouldn't do it to hurt her.

"Hey, your not just some guest." He said and placed his arms on her shoulders. "I'll make it up to you." He then whispered whilst looking down at her.

"Really? How?" Lydia asked and a playful look reached her face.

Whenever he said something like that it always meant something big. Like a party or a surprise. Something fun at least.

"Well you could come and sleep with me." He said and smiled once more showing off his dimples that many girls had fallen for.

"Sleep with you?" Lydia said back and raised a brow scanning him for any traces of a prank in the midst.

"We used to when we were kids, plus I've been missing you, Lyds." He said and his tone got sadder.

Lydia let out a sigh before giving in.
"Who could say no to you."

"Yes! I'll get Duncan to move your stuff." He said before walking out the room.

A few seconds had passed when Felix's head popped back through the door frame.

"Walk with me to the living room? Mum wants to see you and I have someone for you to meet, your gonna love him." Felix talked as he wrapped an arm around Lydia's shoulder.

"Alright whisk me away." Lydia replied and leaned into his touch.

As the troublesome two came up upon the living room you could already hear Elsbeth's voice from miles down the corridor.

"Trust me Oliver your going to love Lydia. She's a beautiful girl with a lot of personality. Shame her parents hate her but it's fine because we all love her. Don't we?" Elsbeth said as she sat beside Oliver.

"Sorry." Felix whispered as the pair of them walked in but Lydia was used to Elsbeth talking like this to everyone, of course not to their faces.

"Lydia darling." She said and got up from her spot by Oliver and french kissed her. "How we've missed you."

"Hello Elsbeth, James. Hey Farleigh." Lydia greeted everyone then looked around for Venetia but their was no sign of her anywhere.

"If your looking for Venetia she's probably gone to madness somewhere, but do come sit by me and Oliver." Elsbeth said and patted the seat in between them.

"Hi I'm Oliver." The boy introduced himself and put his hand out for her to shake, which she took.


"Yeah, Felix has told me all about you." Oliver siad and shot her a smile.

"Ollie!" Felix whined before taking a seat on the floor. Right beside Lydia's legs slowly inching his way between them and leaning his head back so he could stare up at her.

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