[Episode Five]

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Another star who'd be added to the Super Smash Bros roster would be Lucas, a shy yet awkward beginner who was backstage, shaking hands with Mario as he idolized him deeply. After getting an autograph, he'd come into contact with Sullivan who purposely bumped into him. "Watch where you're going, dumbass...at least respect who you're going to fight tonight." He scoffed before walking off to his locker room. "Oh! Sorry!" He stammered beforehand, now left embarrassed. Sullivan would be in his locker room, lacing up his boots before playing on his phone to waste some time before his match started. His phone would flicker when Lucas would walk by his door in the hallways, the lights would as well, but only momentarily. "The hell is?! Don't tell me someone broke it." Sullivan said under his breath.

It was time for their match to begin, Sullivan would be the first to come out, cocky and confident as the crowd rained over with boos. He'd wave at the fans sarcastically before entering the ring, smiling at the cameras as they'd angle in on him. The crowd would cheer the very shy Lucas, who slowly walked down the ramp all tense. Meanwhile, at a makeshift laboratory inside of a warehouse was where Dr. Callahan would sit at his office, deep in thought as he looked over his previous projects. The men in the black suits from the previous nights of scoping out the Smash Bros arena were present in his office as they showed him pictures of a now rogue MewTwo, and another photo of what looked like Lucas signing in for the tournament. 

"What the hell are these two doing outside of our lab?! We cannot be having these two roam the streets freely!" Callahan yelled at the group of men. "Sir, it seems their energy mutated...it was too much to contain causing the whole meltdown to begin with!"

"Well do something about it!" 

"Sir we can't-"

"YES YOU CAN!" Callahan screamed before typing away at his computer desk, trying to scan a digitized map of the city to look for the two subjects he created. 

Back to the match, the bell would ring which signaled for the fight to begin. The two would entangle themselves in a grapple before Lucas gained the upper hand, putting Sullivan in a headlock. As Sullivan was trapped in Lucas's headlock, he'd feel a wave of electrostatic force, causing strands of his hair to stand upward before a shock was delivered to his system when Lucas landed a punch right in between the eyes, knocking him backwards. "OH! Hard shot right to the skull of Sullivan, that should rattle his head for sure! Y'know for a kid who's a shy village boy, he certainly has a diverse move set." 

Another punch would be delivered across Sullivan's face as he was cornered, before the boy would back away, ramming into him, two bodies colliding and making a hard impact which was heard throughout the arena. Sullivan would be quick to get up on his knees, launching Lucas outside the ring with both hands as his body splashed onto the floor below. He would roll around for a bit, writhing in pain before finding the strength to get up on his two feet, going back inside the ring to fight Sullivan. 

Sullivan would try to deliver a kick towards Lucas, but it was quickly blocked, countered with a swift punch across Sullivan's mouth. Lucas would deliver a kick of his own which landed across Sullivan's abdomen, causing him to grunt in pain before he defended himself with a swift punch towards Lucas which was dodged. Electricity began to be felt in the air again, making Sullivan dread for the worst as he was now prepared for whatever shock Lucas had to deliver. 

Sullivan braced himself as he punched Lucas right in-between his eyes, causing him to land on his back. He felt a shock mostly through his fist which mostly stung, but he managed to get through the pain by walking around the mat for a bit. "The hell is this kid made of?!" Sullivan scolded at the referee, getting close to him. 

Whilst Sullivan was busy bickering with the referee, Lucas would deliver a punch towards Sullivan's jaw, sending a wave of electricity which ran course throughout his body. Knocked down, Lucas went in for a pin and won the match with a three-count, smiling at the crowd as the referee declared him the winner of this match. 

Sullivan would be visibly mad, laying in the corner as he watched Lucas with a shy smile on his face, thanking the crowd for cheering him on. 

After the match, Sullivan would be interviewed by Toad. 

Toad: "Wow! I'll have to say that was quite the electrifying conclusion for the first match of the evening! Tell me, how do you feel after losing to someone who's just debuting for the first time?!" 

Sullivan: "I feel embarrassed. That pink ass punk was lucky I never used my full potential." 

Toad: "And does that full potential come with convulsing in the ring?!" 

Sullivan would glare at Toad with a hint of annoyance, shrugging before walking off the interview, slamming the door behind him aggressively. 

Toad: "Wow what a drama queen...or king. But there ya go folks! The exclusive interview with Sullivan! Now let's continue on with the next match!" 

The next match would consist of Kazuya Mishima in his debut up against Fox. He already built himself a reputation in the Iron Fist Tournament, already striking a sense of dread within the audience members. 

In the locker room, Kazuya would glance at himself in the mirror with a slight smirk. From his reflection, he could see Fox walk across the hallway as he was now confident enough to fight against the dreaded Kazuya. 

Fox would make his entrance, taking a moment to take in the crowd before walking down the ramp as he made his way down the ring. He'd hop over the ropes, and strike a pose, looking back at the ramp as he now waited for his opponent. It was now Kazuya's turn to make an entrance, being a complete contrast to how Fox made his. He refused to acknowledge the crowd, instead only maintaining eye contact with Fox as he slowly made his way down the ring. Though he could feel the stares of thousands of people within the auditorium, he still maintained focus on his current target: Fox. 

Before he entered the ring, he wore a sly smirk, going in-between the ropes before having a stare-down with him. He would back away before looking at the referee for a bit, waiting for the match to start. Once it did, Fox would go in for a grapple, hooking Kazuya's head with his arms. Kazuya would quickly come back with a few elbows to Fox's ribs, causing him to cough due to how hard the strikes were. Hearing his coughs, the man couldn't help but laugh as he dusted himself off before landing his first punch across Fox's nose. A flash of white briefly clouded his vision as Fox was knocked on his back, slightly disoriented as he slowly got back on his feet. 

After a few minutes, Fox attempted to land a quick, but it was quickly countered with a grapple, and a quick punch across his face again. His head was now a bit fuzzy, trying to readjust himself to fight back against Kazuya. After awhile the fuzz would fade out, causing him to come back with much more stamina, landing in punches left to right before tossing him against the ropes. He would deliver a successful kick against Kazuya face-first, but this did little to hinder the chiseled giant. This made Fox a bit nervous, going through a list of options in his head. He'd try the first option which was to attack his ribs with kicks and a few blows, but that also didn't bring down Kazuya. 

The second one was to grapple him, and attempt to slam him onto the mat, but Kazuya quickly overpowered him, having him land on his back against the mat which knocked the wind out of him. Kazuya pondered about going in for a pin, but he decided he wasn't finished with his opponent yet. He would resort to delivering a few blows across Fox's ribs on both sides, before kicking him in the face once again. This caused Fox's nose to start bleeding, and his face to show clear signs of bruising. 

As he tried to crawl out of the ring, from the corner of his eyes he could see Kazuya wear a sly smirk as he dragged him back into the middle of the mat. He would deliver an elbow drop onto his back, sending a sharp amount of pain throughout his body before he'd feel himself get lifted up again. Carrying him in the air with both arms, Kazuya would slam him headfirst into the ring post which promptly knocked him out, now going in for a pin, winning the match almost instantly. 

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