The first day

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Hello everyone, this is my first time writing sorry if it's really bad

<Adelaide POV>
I wake up to my mum yelling at me from down stairs " ADEL!!!!!! Get up its your first day of today, don't wanna be late." I eventually get myself out of the warmness of my bed and in the the freezing cold bathroom. It's winter here in the UK so anywhere that doesn't have heating instantly turns into a freezer.
"Adel, are you up," I hear my mum yell again,
"YES, I'll be down in a minute." I yell back. A few minutes later I come down stairs and breakfast has already been made, mmmm pancakes my favourite. We all sit down for breakfast, by we I mean my mum, dad and little brother. After breakfast I grab my bag, say goodbye to my parents and head off to school. I'm about half way there when I bump into my best friend Niki.
"Hey," she says "how was your summer break,"
"You tell me, we basically hung out everyday " I smile nervously as we continue walking
"Right, well are you ready for the first day of school, we're seniors now, isn't that exciting?"
"Ahh, I guess" I say even more nervous then before because now we are about to walk into the the loud, busy life of high school.
"Well, here we go, you ready"
"As ready as I'll ever be" I say we give each other slightly concerned looks as we walk through the door.

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