Chapter 3

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Adelaide's POV
I wake up to all time low blasting in my ear. I glance at my clock which reads 10:30pm. I open my door as quietly as I can tying hard not to wake my brother up and tip toe down stairs and see my parents cuddled up in front of the TV.
"What are you doing up honey?" My mum asks as I rub my eyes.
"Oh...I'm just getting a drink" I mumble walking to the kitchen. I grab a drink and say goodnight to my parents before heading back upstairs and changing into my pjs and crawling into bed and going into another deep sleep.

~Time Skip~

I wake up again this time it's actually morning. I roll out of bed and lazily wake to the bathroom. I stare at myself for a solid 10 minutes pointing out every flaw on my body before jumping in the shower. I do all the usuals like wash my hair, brush my teeth and pretend I'm a famous singing even though I can't sing to save my life. After I'm done and I've dried my hair I walked down stairs to find my brother (Daniel) and dad sitting at the table eating breakfast. I grab a bowl and spoon before sitting down to have some cereal.
"Morning sweetheart," my dad says still looking at his laptop reading the news, "how did you sleep?"
"Good you?" My mouth stuffed with coco pops.
"Yea good" he replies but not once looking up from his screen.
"You two better get going you don't wanna be late" my mum states. I take my bowl to the kitchen and place it on the sink, grab my bag, say by to parents who weren't really paying attention anyway and walk out the door. It's not long before I see niki up ahead.
"Niki..." Her head snaps towards me, "wait up" I pant jogging towards her.
"We haven't even done anything and your already puffed" she smirks at me.
"Shut up...I'm not the sporty type" I glare back as we continue walking.

~Time Skip~

I walk through the busy hallways until I reach my locker and grab my books before stuffing my bag in and hurrying to my first class which of coarse was math. I stop and line up outside the class room waiting for the teacher To arrive. I look around me at all the other students walking past but one catches my eye, I go to look away but it's to late our eyes are locked together and it took me a minute to realise who it was the douchebag that tripped me yesterday. We continue staring for a couple more seconds until he shoots me a smile, I attempted to return it but it kinda failed and in the back of my mind I was thinking maybe he's not that bad after all, maybe he wasn't a jerk, maybe I underestimated him. But I push those thoughts to the back of my mind and just in time to the teacher had arrived. We start off the lesson with algebra which was boring but at least I understand it. The rest of the lesson went really slowly and all I could think about was the new guy, I still don't know his name, I need to find out I can't keep calling him a douche or a jerk forever. Finally the bell rang shaping me out of my thoughts, I gather my books and head back to my locker. As I'm putting my books in my locker I notice him again standing with a large group, we make eye contact for a second and go back to doing our own thing, but moments later I find myself looking at him again. He light blonde hair perfectly quiffed, his eyes are as blue as the ocean and his little dimple that appears on the side of his cheek when he smiles. Yet once again my thoughts are broken by Niki scaring the life out of me.
"Hey" she stands in front of me blocking my vision from the mysterious new guy, I tilt my head and mange to see him again.
"Adel...Adel your staring" I shake my head and just realise that I've been caught.
"You like him don't you?" She questions obviously seeing my cheeks go red as she confronts me.
"No...what...I don't like him, he's a jerk" I say while trying to hide that I was blushing.
" that why you were making googlely eyes at him?" She questions again, red face going even redder.
"Shut up...let's go eat" I say managing to change the topic. We reach the cafeteria, grab some food and fine a seat somewhere away from everyone else, we're not very social people.
"So..." She says dragging out the 'o'.
"So what" I mimic her voice.
"Do you like him?" She smirks at me cheekily.
"Who" even though I knew what she was talking about I ask anyway.
Is that his name, that must be his name, mmm Luke...I like it
There's an awkward moment of silence before I reply.
"Luke?...the new guy no, like I already said he's a jerk" I can feel my cheeks getting hot.
"Right, so then why is it your face goes bright red every time we talk about him" I stay silent looking down and twiddling my fingers.
"Oh..." She gasps "you do like him, awww little Adelaide has a crush" I can feel my face getting hotter by the second and my hands are getting sweaty.
"Ssshhhh...shut up, ok yes I like him but you can't tell anyone" I whisper so no one would hear.
"My lips are sealed" she zips her lips.

~Time Skip~

The rest of the day flew by and the whole time I couldn't stop thinking about Luke. He was gorgeous in every way possible, from the tip of his head to the bottom of his feet. Even in music when he was throwing paper while the teacher wasn't there or his constant yelling didn't bother me, he just seemed so happy I couldn't help but smile. The bell eventually went and I waited for every else to leave. I was about to walk out when something pulled on my arm. I turn around to see a tall blonde boy standing in front of me, my heart begins to race, my hands go clammy and I can feel heat rushing to my cheeks but I try and stay as calm as possible and act natural.
"Adelaide right?" He knows my name but how.
"Yea, you can call me Adel everyone else does" my voice shakes and my heart beats faster and faster. Act natural come on don't freak him out, you can do this.
"I wanna say I'm sorry...for being a jerk yesterday" he inches closer to me. Don't just stand there, think of something to say you idiot.
"'s ok" is all I manage to get out without having a nervous break down.
"Are you sure?" He asks looking direct into my eyes.
"Yea it', anyway I going...I'll...ah...see you tomorrow" I stutter, my cheeks are bright red I can feel it.
"Ok sure see you then" he smiles and walks out. After he's gone I rush out to my locker, grab my bag and sprint home. I get home, run up to my room, throw bag on the ground and collapse in my bed and scream into my pillow. My heart is still going 100 miles an hour, I can't believe he talked to me and I know he talked to me yesterday but that was different, I didn't like him yesterday, it amazed me how quickly my feelings had changed towards him. I manage to finally get me head around things and calm myself before changing into some baggy clothes. I lay on my bed and think about the things that happened only moments earlier. As I get caught up in my thoughts I smile before falling into a wonderful sleep filled with dreams that I don't want to wake up from.

Sorry this chapter is so long I couldn't work out how to end it. Thank you for reading and if you like it vote comment and share or whatever you do and I'll try and update more often if you guys want. Love you all. BYE

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