Childish tsuna

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hi~ i just thought of this story when i was drinking a chocolate milk shake while talking to gevie-chan, i told her i'm drinking a chocolate milk shake and getting drunk so she told me to make a story about tsuna being drunk...she's a genius, i'm stupefy by her, xD...o told her i'll do this by morning so yeah.. on with the story.....


tsuna slump on his table as soon as he finished his paperwork in his hell-i mean office sighing in relief that he's finally done after a 10 stack of papers on his desk cause by a certain guardians who are noisy, blood-lust, annoying guardians; he sighed "they don't really change much after 10 years" then he heard a knock.

he picked up a dart pin and throw it at the newcomer, who almost got hit in the face, but able to avoid it. "j-j-juudaime, i-i-i w-was just here to, t-t-tell you that b-breakfast i-is ready" gokudera said while shivering from fear, they know tsuna is in a bad state when he just finshed a whole bunch of paperwork courtesy of them, so whenever he's in a bad mood, they all tremble.

tsuna looked at his right-hand man with a killing intent sharp enough to impelled them on the wall, gokudera fell on his knees, "j-juudaime?-" "hayato, please go on first, i'll catch up" tsuna said, the storm nods then stands up, still trembling "h-hai, j-juudaime" then left.

tsuna sighed again" how many times did i sighed today?" he asked himself , he stands up and made his way on the dining room, he opened the door and saw his guardians arguing, yelling and such, "good morning, everyone" they all stop when they heard a cold and freezing voice early in the morning, every one got back on their seats within second and pretend like nothing happened.

tsuna just glared at them, and walked to his seat, he sat down and looked at his guardians, 'they're trembling, sweating and nervous about something' tsuna thought to himself.

the maids start serving them their breakfast,he put the back of his hand on his chin, he tilted his head then smiled "minna, what are you hiding?" They all flinch when tsuna suddenly spoke.

Gokudera looked at his boss "J-Juudaime, the vongola are planning to celebrate your 25th birthday, but since you forgot your o-" gokudera stop when he saw tears falling from the brunettes eyes.

They all got worried "juudaime/tsuna/omnivore/tsunayoshi/bossu/tsuna-nii/sawada" his guadians got worried and approach him.

Tsuna raised his head then looked at them "i'm sorry, i forgot about my birthday. I was so occupied with work and i was worried about vongola and all of you being always on a mission or a fight i-i
just-"Tsuna stop when he realised it's Reborn's Birthday First Before him

''what about Reborn?"tsuna said while looking around, then a man with a fedora wearing a suit caught his attention "what is it?" Tsuna smiled. Nothing".

Then tsuna thought of a great(horrible)idea" then let's celebrate reborn's birthday first" tsuna brighten up and forgot the bad mood he was in a minute ago.

They all sweatdrop 'what just happened? He's not angry anymore?' They all thought.

"Umm, then-" "you're still dame after all" reborn said, leaving tsuna confused "what?" Reborn sighed " my birthday are still in three days for now, and your's in four" tsuna, slump on his chair "aww, but i don't have anything to do now i finished all of my paperwork and-" tsuna stop, " i'll be going outside, i'll just buy something, then" tsuna said.

Hibari, mukuro and gokudera glared at tsuna( the tables been turned) "you're not allowed to go outside without an escort" the three guardians said in unison, tsuna pouted and bite his pancake "besides, we're all busy so we cannot come with you or escort you" yamamoto said.

Tsuna looked at them "i can take care of mtself, i'm almost 25 and why are you all still so over protective?." Tsuna said while his fork are still on his mouth.

Hibari looked at tsuna " you're still childish and stupud that's why."

"Besides,You can only trigger your other side when we're all making mess and reach your limit or after you just finised your paperwork which you pulled out all night and don't sleep for three days" yamamoto said.

Tsuna pouted ' they know me very well' he thought "fine" he gave up after that.


Tsuna's pov

They didn't allow me to go outside so here i am on the garden and sitting on a chair , there's a table in front of me and a strawberry cake, ' i'm childish they say, i'm still dame tsuna they say.' Tsuna thought while mimicking them.

Then took a bite on his strawberry cake "wahh, it's so delicious, i should get a chocolate drin-" tsuna stop when relised something 'i really am just a kid, am i? they havee a strawberry cake and let me on the garden so i won't bother them, and here i am going to take a chocolate drink? I really am a child' i thought then sighed.

'I wish it's his birthday soon and the others. Oh right today's 10/10 it's xanxus birthday.' I picked up my plate and put it on the kitchen sinc ' i vetter tell them and go to varia'


In the end i didn't manage to do it till morning because of power cut *sigh* and i earned myself a wound on my's quite deep so it bleed a lot. up "xanxux birthday"

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