• II - The Face Off •

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"Ok, break's done! Everyone, let's go back to work." Sir Alex announced.

This is it. The Face Off.

After the break everyone went inside another studio, and there, is a stunning matt black and matt maroon convertible waiting.

And there is also a fudging Kyline Alcantara waiting with her model mentor / manager Ms. Corazon Puntaverde-Chan, a.k.a. Ms. Raz Chan, the famous rival of my stunning Ms. Max back in their days.

Is Kyline the next Raz and me the next Max? I guess, so.

I think we were having a double face off today.

"Time to re-touch your make-up girls!" Randy Valdez, our MUA, clapped.

We were then sitten on a black leather chair in front of a mirror with bulbs around it.

"Oh! Two beautiful and fresh faces. The other's the princess-" Mr. Randy said reffering to me while pointing a brush to me.

"-and the other's the rookie with a strong jump-start!" He said pointing his brush to Kyline.

"Well, who gets her 're-touch' first?" He asks Ricky Valdez, his brother (or sister, maybe), our Hair Stylist.

Oh and if you are asking, yes, they are the fudging 'RV' tandem. Can you believe it? Gosh, they are sooo famous too in terms of this industry. They even know how to body paint.

Going back to reality, I answered instead of Mr. Ricky.

"Start with the royalty, please?" I said sweetly with shining eyes and sweet smile that no one can resist.

"Ok then, Princess." Mr. Randy agreed.

"While you were doing her 're-touch' I am going to start doing Kyline's hair." Mr. Ricky said.

Kyline was just quiet all the time, she wasn't talking. She was busy in her phone. I bet she is chatting to Darren.

So I grabbed my phone too and started browsing Twitter and Instagram. I don't have a Facebook account, darn those posers.

I saw a post on Instagram:

Atm. photo shoot today. ;)

It was a picture of a mirror selfie of hers. She cropped me. What do I expect?

So I did a mirror selfie too, but this time, I made Mr. Randy look at the camera too.

And I tapped '✔'

Photo shoot today. With the stunning @iamrandyv and @rickythehairo or in short, the 'unkabogables' @RVtandem! So happy to be with them in my newest project! Watch out for it, my royalties.

Then, my notifiations bursted. Likes here, comments there.

"Rae, close your eyes, c'mon!" Mr. Randy told me to do so.

"Oh! Sorryyyyyyy..." I said with a wide grin.

I locked my phone and closed my eyes. I can feel the brush in my eyelids, it tickles so much! But I tried not to laugh, c'mon I'm trying to be professional here!

So after everything, we are now headed infront the cars, and before going there, Ms. Max pulled me and whispered something.

"Be professional." She whispered.

"I will." I whispered back.

So as we are now infront of the cars, Mr. Alex said:

"Ok, so a while ago, we got 3 keywords which are Chic, Elegant and Classy. Now, I'll give you one more keyword. POWER."

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