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It's been nearly a week since Blaise's possession in the library. He chooses to believe that's what it was, after all why would he help a random Hufflepuff and why would his heart beat so fast and why did the Hufflepuff smell so good? It could only be possession, case closed.

Anyhow, the incident has been shoved to the very back of his mind, locked tight in a steel safe covered in chains in a deep dark hole filled with venomous snakes. Right next to the embarrassing memory he and Draco shared on their first year that included Professor Snape and a wig, neither incident to ever be spoken of again.

He currently sat with Draco and a handful of other Slytherin students outside enjoying the warm weather and supposedly studying. The sun is perfectly warm on their face, along with a light breeze that makes one want to lay down and sleep the rest of the day away.

He sits with Draco to his left and Pansy on Draco's other side - she no longer fancies Draco the way she did when they were younger, that one sided puppy love that was often a bit sad to watch, now they bicker and tease each other like siblings which is ten times more entertaining for everyone. Blaise supposes Draco has eyes only for Potter anyhow.

Blaise isn't sure he himself has ever had a proper crush, not really. Sure he's found people attractive and perhaps even interesting, but never has he found himself wanting to date anyone. He's never felt his heart skip a beat or pick up speed around a certain person, nor has he ever laid awake late at night with his thoughts plagued by a single particular laugh and the memory of rosy cheeks and soft dark hair and wide twinkling eyes looking up at him, never felt chills as he recalls the feeling of their fingers lightly brushing against each other over the book. Nope. Never.

Oh who is he kidding. He's going mad over a Hufflepuff he's never even spoken to.

Blaise isn't even sure why he's never spoken to said Hufflepuff, it's not as if he's so full of himself that he won't associate with students from other houses, he's not that shallow despite what others might say behind his back. Is he scared then? Perhaps. After all what would he even say? - "hello, you don't know me but I think about you all day and night" - yeah, that would be quite the conversation starter, later to be met with a stern talking to from Professor Dumbledore.

He can't even ask Draco for advice, not because he'd make fun of him but because Draco seems to be on the same boat - obsessed with a guy he doesn't speak to. But then again, at least Draco's weird obsession seems to go both ways, both parties constantly ogling at each other with venomous remarks occasionally being thrown at each other. Toxic relationship at its finest.

As he sits with the warm sun on his face and his classmates laughing at his side, the grass dancing lightly in the wind, he makes up his mind - he's going to get up and use the loo.

Blaise stands, brushes some blades of grass off his trousers and announces his departure from the group, "I'll see you back in the dormitories Draco." to which Draco gives a quick acknowledgement before going back to discussing the importance of dung beetles in the environment with another student.

He takes the quickest route to the nearest restroom, walking past other groups of students enjoying their time off outside and barely managing to avoid being hit by a Gryffindor on a wild broom.

A few Slytherin and even a group of Ravenclaws ask him to join them basking in the sun, but he declines and continues on his way. He's had enough group socialization for the time being thank you very much.

He enters the castle and makes his way down the hallway to his left, this side of the castle and this particular hallway tend to be fairly void of wandering students around this time, making it the perfect spot to hide away when one wants to get away from it all. At least it usually is, but the universe seems to want to torture him - most likely payback for tricking Goyle into believing he was late for classes this morning. Perhaps it was a bit mean, but too funny seeing the goof still in his pajamas and half his robe pulled on running down the hall.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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