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It's Monday morning and Blaise lays awake with his eyes open wide and a blank mind.

He's beyond exhausted and it's all thanks to his previously loud thoughts causing him to toss and turn all night, not allowing him even a wink of sleep. Now his eyes are heavy and his mind is pleading for the rest it stupidly kept itself from.

"Hurry on Blaise, you'll be late for breakfast if you continue laying there like a dead fish." Crabbe calls from his side of the room, hastily pulling on his proud new shoes.

Blaise doesn't reply but heaves a loud sigh as he rubs his tired eyes and tosses his warm blankets aside to relunctantly begin getting ready for the day.

"Attaboy, Zabini." Draco teases with a grin from the corner of the room.

"Shut it."

* * *

Once at the Great Hall, sitting at his usual spot at the Slytherin table, Blaise finds himself oddly fighting the urge to look around. He keeps his eyes trained to the plate in front of him as morning announcements begin, begging for his mind to wander before his eyes do.

He knows he's being ridiculous but he can't even explain why. Why has his mind been keeping him up at night recently with senseless thoughts, why does he suddenly find himself both reluctant and eager to start the day, why is he keeping himself from his usual people watching? Blaise knows the answer to only one of those things, or so he supposes; he'd rather not catch sight of that Hufflepuff boy and those goons he sits with, just the thought of them irks him and makes his head hurt.

Shaking his head, Blaise turns his attention instead to Draco who sits beside him snickering with Pansy about who knows what.

"I'm not hungry, I'll see you lot in class." Blaise doesn't wait for a response as he picks up his belongings and all but dashes out of the room and out onto the hall.

With no real plan and half an hour to waste, Blaise makes his way to the library hoping to catch a quick nap.

On the way, his thoughts are plagued with hopes of sleep and a twinkling laugh - his mind is helpless. With hopes to direct his thoughts elsewhere, he runs though last nights homework again in his head, quizzes himself on spells he knows all too well, counts the steps leading to the library. Nothing helps. He's exhausted.

Finally reaching the library, Blaise pushes open the door and almost cheers when he sees it's mostly empty. Good nap, here he comes.

Blaise makes his way to his favored far back corner in the room, a good spot not only for studying and naps but for the occasional people watching as well.

Blaise has almost reached said spot when he catches sight of him from the corner of his eye and his legs seemingly make their own decision to come to a halt and his body strangely freezes. Has someone cursed him?

There, in an aisle to his right, stands the Hufflepuff boy. Well, he's on his tip-toes and reaching with a struggle for a book beyond his reach and a blush on his face.

Blaise is suddenly wide awake.

Again without his own accord and without bothering to check in with his mind first, Blaise's body makes the decision to  begin walking towards the boy just as he's stopped his attempts and reaches for his wand instead.

He should stop, what is he even doing? The kid can get his own book, it's what  he's taken out his wand out for so why are Blaise's legs still moving and his arm reaching beyond the boys small stature and his mind not cooperating. He supposes this is what happens when he doesn't sleep - he goes crazy.


The boy startles and looks up at Blaise with wide eyes and a deeper blush and, geez, Blaise really needs to see a doctor - his heart is going all crazy.

"Oh!" The boy takes the book from Blaise's outstretched hand. "Thank you!" he adds with a grateful smile and bright eyes.

Blaise also needs to invest in some sunglasses, the sun has some competition here.

The Hufflepuff boy flips though the pages quickly, inspecting the book shortly and then safely tucks it into his bag. He looks up again, surprised and confused as to why Blaise is still rooted to the spot.

Realizing this, Blaise tears his eyes away from the light freckles dusted across the bridge of the Hufflepuffs nose with a click of his tongue.

With no other words exchanged, Blaise steps aside and hastily makes his way out of the library, sleep forgotten.

a/n: i'm so sorry it's been like a thousand years since an update, i've been meaning to come back and finish this forever now but haven't had the opportunity but hopefully i can get back to it since i really don't want to leave any of my fics unfinished. i hope you enjoyed this it'll begin to get more fun soon.

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