Miss Anna Rogers

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The last time I saw her, I was a year old, so you wouldn't think I'd remember her. But trust me. Even when you're young, your brain will bookmark important people and keep them in your memories. And how could Anna Rogers not be important? 

She says something to me, but I don't know what it is because my headphones are still in. I take one out and tap my ear. "Come again?"

Anna Rogers sighs. She looks heaps older than last time, both in body and spirit. I guess fourteen years can really weather a person. Her brown hair is swept into an untidy bun on top of her head, her eyes have dark circles underneath, and even the clothes she's wearing (which are clearly meant to be nice) are stained and wrinkled. Poor lady. "I said it's been a long time, Ekoe."

She still pronounces my name wrong, saying 'echo' instead of 'eh-koe-ey'. I don't bother correcting her, I'm worried one more thing on her plate will cause a meltdown. Instead, I nod. "Fourteen years, right? I'm surprised you recognize me."

Anna Rogers chuckles and shakes her head, sending strands of hair whipping about her face. "Trust me, I wouldn't forget something like that."

Marissa, the representative who's supposed to be doing all the talking (whoops) finally pipes up. "Ekoe, Miss Rogers is going to be your new caseworker since Derek retired. It seems you already know each other?"

Oh, so the old dude's name was Derek. Anna Rogers nods and they go into some long spiel about paperwork and legal stuff, so I put my earbud back in and crank up My Chemical Romance. I'm wondering if I can take a nap on some of those chairs when I feel a tiny tug on the hem of my shirt. I look down and see the little kid that was sitting with Anna Rogers. I sigh and take out my earbud again. "What's up, Half-pint?" 

The little thing starts talking a mile a minute in this squeaky voice that reminds me of a cartoon hamster. "Hi! I'm Evan. I'm your brother now, 'cuz Mama's gonna take care of you!"

I shake my head. "Sorry, kid, I'm not anybody's brother right now. Your mom's going to find me some old geezer that wants a farmhand and dump me off there, probably, and you'll never see me again."

That's what I'm hoping, anyway. I really don't want to get stuck with Anna Rogers any longer than necessary, and I don't want to get this kid's hopes up either. Instead of being disappointed or put-off, the little kid just smiles. 

"We'll see."

The heck is that supposed to mean? Is this kid a psychic or something, I mean who says that?! I'm still goggling at him in disbelief when Anna Rogers gives a very final sounding "All right, thank you." And looks at me expectantly. Was I supposed to be listening? I sure as all wasn't, so I mimic her 'all right' and nod like this means something. Hello, news flash, this means nothing. Anna Rogers isn't going to keep me or anything, I don't get why they're making this seem so formal. 

I don't bother saying bye to Marissa since she's obviously happy to be rid of me. Anna Rogers has a slick car- Or she did once. Now it's rusted and beat up and kinda...old looking. But not too bad. It's small and black, with a four-leaf clover and a cross hanging from the mirror. I get in the passenger seat and set my backpack by my feet, leaning back as I take in the minty smell. Definitely better than the stale-coffee smell of Marissa's van. Evan slides into the backseat and buckles into his booster while Anna Rogers attempts to start the engine. It takes her three tries, but we get going eventually. She adjusts the mirror and starts backing out. "Do you want to put a CD in?" 

I grab the CD holder from the pulldown mirror and rifle through it, admiring her taste in music. I push the Barenaked Ladies' "Rock Spectacle" into the CD player. I even pause my headphones to enjoy the sound of 'Brian Wilson'. 

"Good choice." Anna Rogers smiles, though she keeps her eyes on the road. "It's one of my favorites."

"Mine too." I say, surprised. 

Maybe this won't be a total nightmare after all.

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