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The sound of leaves crunching as the thick rubber of a wheels roll in, and the slight screech of the brakes as it comes to a stop.Dawson Villin, a new girl at a private school Gordale prep school, (only the most exclusive school in the nation) stands in front of a brick building that looked different than she had anticipated but nonetheless she persisted forward. She looks about the same as every average teenage girl. Her hair compared to that of Hailee Steinfield long ,dark brown with waves, her skin usually fair but recently tanned by her summer outdoors, eyes a mix of hazel presenting more green or blue depending on the weather and the day. Upon her arrival she has an odd feeling about her new school, The walls filled with hundreds of years of history and mystery. The only she had ever known about this school was that her grandpa V had gone there and spoke very highly of it.
As she walks in with her black suitcase and a few boxes she's greeted by a student volunteer who offered to help her with her belongings, which she graciously accepted. After they went to the check-in table to grab her key and room assignment they started their journey up the stairs. Having climbed four flights of stairs they finally reached her floor and headed towards her room, #1936.
When she walks in she sees who she assumes is her roommate making her bed. They exchange looks and then Dawson starts introductions, "Hi, I'm Dawson Villin. You must be my roommate Elston."
"Yeah that's me. Welcome to Gordale."
"Thank you. You seem busy so don't mind me, I'm just gonna start unpacking these boxes."
As she unpacks she starts to think, Elston seems kind of reserved and not too interested in her. She shakes the thought and spends a few more hours unpacking before she decides to call it a night and head to bed.
The next day, Sunday as Dawson lies in bed still obsessing about the fact that she doesn't think Elston likes her, out of boredom she pulls out her wand and starts playing with it; spinning it in circles and a little green light trail follows each movement of the wand. "What did I do?" Then she squints her face as if she just said something really stupid, " Dawson don't be dumb it's the first day you haven't had the chance to do anything yet", She thinks as she fidgets with her wand spinning it like a drumstick in between her fingers giving her flashbacks to when she was in the band at her old school, but she tried often to not think about that time as it only reminded her of the friends she left behind.
A few moments later Dawson hears the door knob jiggles back and forth that knocks her out of her dissociation, When she turns to look she sees Elston standing in the room looking at her as she springs upward, startled, and panicked
"I-I can explain...," Dawson started, as she felt the sweat on her hands become more intense, starting to think of every and any possible excuse for what Elston saw. But Elston pulls out her wand and says, "No need." As a little smirk appears on her face. Dawson sits down letting out a huge sigh of relief, "You really had me there for a second. I thought I had just guaranteed myself a visit to the office... Or a 911 call." still visibly shaking from the encounter.
"Nah you're all good. Although, I think this instantly makes us best friends," she chuckled a little and so did Dawson still catching her breath.
" So you're magic as well then?" Dawson asked as she sat up straight.
" Yeah, I had no clue you would be. What was your story?" Elston asked, seemingly more intrigued in her new roommate now.
" I'm not sure what you mean." Dawson said as she moved to the edge of her bed.
" You know, how you found out? How your parents broke the news, my parents gave me a light show with their wands and then spelled out "you're a wizard" in the air."
" Okay well first, that's so cool. Second when my mom died my dad and I moved in with my grandpa and he actually told me. I was like 8 and we were looking through scrapbooks of when he went here and there was a picture of him and his wand, I got curious and he explained it." Dawson said with a smile on her face/
" Aw I love that, is your mom or dad magic as well?"
" No but on my dads side it skips a generation, so since he's not I am."
" That's kind of a bummer, but at least you have your grandpa."
" Yeah for sure." Dawson said, looking down, fiddling with her wand.
"Hey, so I kinda need to show you something now," and before Dawson could respond Elston grabbed her arm and they went.
Knowing nothing about Elston or where she was taking her, Dawson just went with it and ran down the stairs that lead to a warm dimly lit hallway and what looks like a completely different school with the walls made of stone and the glowing of candle lit lanterns lining the wall lighting the way down the rather dark and mysterious hallway. Dawson expresses a very worrisome look on her face and she turns to look by her side, but Elston trudges forward still holding her arm, looking forward pretending not to feel Dawson looking .
"What is this place?" Dawson asked as her eyes gazed at her new and fairly usual environment.
"You'll find out in a few moments," El responded and they continued forward down the hallway.

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