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Sofia blushed, once again lost in her own thoughts. She was fixing my bed up, and had changed the bed spread already.

I watched her small figure hard at work. She was one person I would always respect. She had so much in storage of her tiny body. Energy, strength, an actual brain, positivity and will.

I left her to her duties, heading instead to have breakfast with my huge family. Khadijah was already waving at me as I arrived at the table. Her husband, Amin, was trying to feed her. Next to them sat my brothers-Malik, Abdi and Yunus-and opposite them sat my cousins-Hermione, Salma, Anita and Derrick-then next to my elder siblings sat Martha, and next to her was Anthony. I smiled at a grinning Martha, then let my seat get pulled out for me.

"You look lovely today," I complimented Martha. Her ginger hair had been let loose, and I could see the natural curls. I loved how good she looked.

Anthony was a broody mess when our eyes made contact. "Hello to you too," I said with an angelic smile, before saying a short du'a and eating. All our parents were at the table, eating while speaking excitedly. I saw one of my cousins May smile at me from the other side of the table. She was half Korean.

Eventually, my parents and Martha's attracted our attention. My father stood up, gave thanks, and announced that we would be having more royal guests in our company the following night. It was his sixtieth birthday and he was looking forward to 'Anthony and my only daughter Aaliyah finally getting along and getting engaged!'

We exchanged looks. I knew he knew I was scared. He knew I knew he was scared. That was the one thing we had in agreement. Right there and then, we simultaneously excused ourselves from the table and dashed out.

That was the only other thing we had in common: the impulsive thought of wanting to run away.


I paced my chambers, here to there, there to here, until I got kicked out by the cleaning maid. I found myself heading to the gardens and orchard instead, and I started to pace back and forth.

I didn't notice Anthony until when he noticed me and let out an angry yell of frustration. "Are you following me?"

"Are YOU following me?" I retorted.

"I was here first!" we said at the same time.

"No I was!" we said together.

"Shut up!" We said again, together.

"Copycat!" we said it, once again, together. We actually sounded like a married couple in sync with each other *cringe* even when we were detesting each other.

"You first," we both said it at the same time. He raised an eyebrow, I blew air.

"Ladies first," he insisted. I sighed before speaking out loud what I had been thinking since I was told we were to get engaged a few days ago.

"I don't want to marry you," I said quietly. "I don't even like you. I want to be free, and happy, and marry when I want."

"No kidding."

"I am gonna run away."

"Me too," he replied. We exchanged tense smiles. For once, we agreed on something.

"It has been nice talking to you," I said quietly.

"Sorry about yesterday," he said quietly. "I wish I had not done what I did. I was a little drunk."

I stared at him, then huffed. "Nice try. I am going. Goodbye."

"Goodbye," he replied. I walked away, feeling energized at my plan. I could not wait to leave. I just had to pack my stuff quietly and vanish.

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