chapter 1 it begins

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In a fury of tears, Anatoli stormed into her room and slammed the door behind her. Due to her mother's mockery of her, her writing, and her refusal to listen to her concerns regarding getting married to a man she hasn't even met, she was enraged. Taking a full look around her room in a fit of rage, Anatoli smashed everything she could see in her room to the point that all that was left was a red feathered quill with an intraquery design, the pot of ink it was sitting in and some paper, which still lay untouched on the desk. Anatoli, despite her best efforts, could not bear the thought of destroying the last remaining gift her father had given her before he disappeared. when the rage quelled down to tears as she fell backwards onto the floor laying in the middle of the mess she had made. A soft knock on the door broke her from her pity party, but before she could say anything she heard paper being slipped under the door. Upon pulling herself up, her running makeup spilled onto the wood floor, staining it she crawled towards the door and sees a letter on the floor. picking it up Anatoli ran her fingers over the smooth paper until her fingertips ran over the wax seal the emblem held no familiarity to her as she had never seen it before. as gently as she could Anatoli opened the letter and red it 

Dear Anatoli Del Rose

You are formally invited to the Oletus Manor to pursue your passion for writing and poetry we will be looking forward to your stay.



reading the letter over and over analyzing each word Anatoli was intrigued but also weary standing up she opened the door to her room and looked out into the hallway but there was no one in sight. Shaking off the strange feeling, Anatoli marched back into her room and pulled out a suitcase from under her bed to pack what little things she had escaped her fit of rage with, which left only some clothes, books, and paperwork. she then turned to the red quill pen on her desk and the pot of ink it normally sits in taking it she puts the lid on the ink pot and placed them both in a small side bag that was always tided around her waist. closing the suitcase Anatoli looked around her mostly destroyed room before walking out and slamming the door behind her.

As her horse carriage traveled farther away and closer to her destination, Anatoli watched her home shrink to the size of a pinprick. In a huff, she glanced upwards at her hands, which were covered by a pair of black and red sleaves on her well-made dress. "Am I really doing this?" she muttered to herself, as she struggled at the thoughts of leaving those who she had cared to know she turned her attention to the window watching as the dark covered trees raced by and slowly but surely sleep overtook her. 

the next time Anatoli opened her eyes it was daytime the sun was high, shuffling towards the small window that separated her from the carriages driver Anatoli gently opened the window "how much longer do we have?" she asked the driver who looked down at her "we will be there in about two or more hours miss," he answered her smiling Anatoli thanked him and shut the small window. taking out her quill ink pot and a piece of paper she went to wright a letter to her mother that she could send when she arrived but stopped what good would that do, she didn't want her sending anyone after her then her thoughts turned to the butler that had taken care of her there was a sad smile "I'll wright to him instead I'm sure he will be wondering where I went," Anatoli said as she began to wright the carriage came to a squealing halt. Anatoli was thrown from her seat reaching out she was able to grab the Ink pot only spilling a little amount on the red part of her dress sleave "what is going on out there Joshua," she asked opening the door of the carriage she received no answer for the driver "Joshua?" she questioned walking round to see no one in the driver's seat. looking around Anatoli saw no one in sight no foot prints it was as if he had vanished "ok this isn't funny Joshua," she said but still no response taking the horse by its regains Anatoli freed it "you know the way back to my home don't you then go you don't have to be a part of this," she said sending the horse off back down the path she had come from going over to the carriage she took her bag and pulled up her own sleaves placing a big brimmed hat on her head she set off up the path.

in the distance someone was watching with black almond shaped eyes her left hand was dirty with blood and in her right held Joshua's had in hand she watched as the horse was sent back down the road and a dark smile came to her face as this woman, she had laid eyes on sent her heart leaping in her chest looking down at the hat in her hand she smirked and threw it to the wind before turning into a shadowy mist and vanishing.   

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2023 ⏰

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