Scott vs my mental health

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Heyy guys sorry I've been gone

Depression is not fun

This is so incredibly self indulgent and ooc and aaa but let me have this please I've been going through it😭😭😭

The next chapter won't be smut I swear

Also I take requests if you wanna leave one
Tw warn sh but it's only there for one sentence at the end and it's not in the context of anything sexual
Needless to say a lot of people didn't like Scott.

For good reason of course but that didn't stop it from hurting.

Wallace knew this so when one snowy evening scott came home and instead of greeting Wallace happily like he usually did he just flopped on their small couch, Wallace had a good idea what happened.

Wallace walked over and crouched in front of Scott running a cold hand through his ginger hair as scoot gazed at him sadly "what happened guy?" Scott took a deep breath messing with the hem of his worn sweater "I went to the comic book store and I- I didn't mean to but I ran into this girl and made her spill her tea and-" he chocked over his words "and drop her book and... Julie was working there and she started yelling at me and saying how dumb an- and annoying I was, and then I got to the counter and I- tried to check out but then I realized I didn't have any money on my debit and the cashier laughed at me and my bus pass ran out and I had to walk home."

Wallace hummed as his boyfriend spoke and he ran a thumb over his cheek "how about.... I make us dinner and you go take a bath to warm up, you're freezing."

Scott just nodded and sulked to the bathroom. Wallace always knew how to make Scott feel better when he got like this, and Wallace was happy to comply, it made them both feel good after all ;).

As the other boy came back in the room around 30 minutes later Wallace placed two plates on the dining room table encouraging Scott to take a seat. They ate in relative silence and when they finished Wallace collected they're plates and went to the kitchen to wash up.

Recently With the help of Scott's new job and a premonition Wallace had gotten the two men where able to afford a bigger apartment (and a bed frame!).

The black haired boy walked back to the living area approaching his boyfriend and kissing is forehead gently "come on let's go lay down hm?" He leads Scott to their bedroom and brings them both under the covers tucking the gingers head under his chin. Scott is being uncharacteristically silent and Wallace decides it's time.

He trails gentle hands to Scott's waist "you shouldn't listen to them babe, they don't know you like I do..." he kisses Scott's neck which draws out a whine as Wallace rubs circles into the youngers hips.

"You're such a good boy and you've been listening so good lately, fallowing all our rules and I know you've been trying so hard to be a better person. Im so proud." Wallace knows that this is what scott needs to hear because he instantly melts into his hold.

"Are you gonna let me take care of you Scotty?" Scott nodded happily, it wasn't often he got this kind of treatment from Wallace, it's not that he doesn't like the more rough way they usually do it but the fact that Wallace only does it like this for him when he's feeling down or has been good makes it feel special and really really nice.

Wallace gets up to collect a few things and comes back with a bottle of lube and one of his own hoodies. He un dresses Scott, taking a moment to admire his body and making sure to tell the younger how beautiful he is before slipping the hoodie over his head, Scott likes it and he does too, the thought of fucking his boyfriends brains out in his hoodie makes his pants feel tighter.

Scott shifts and whines in anticipation and Wallace realizes he's been staring for at least a minute. "How do you want it babe~ you get to choose today you deserve it." Scott's face burns and he stutters out a mumbled response " I- I want you um.. in me but t- the gentle way where you umm k- kiss me and stuff..." Wallace smiles and kisses his neck "of course babe any thing for my good boy"

Wallace's hands move to Scott's thighs spreading them and squeezing them lightly placing soft kisses on his smooth skin "god Scott you're so beautiful and amazing... god i don't tell you enough, you're my everything my amazing boyfriend". Scott shivers and his tip drops with pre cum.

The red haired boy spreads his legs farther "Wallace please~ please I need it..." Wallace was definitely going to tease him later about what a slut he's being right now but he can't find it in himself to care. He suddenly feels a finger slipping into his hole and he lets out a wimper screwing his eyes shut as Wallace strokes the side of his face sucks bruises onto his neck, not hard enough to hurt but definitely hard enough to feel good and draw a few more nosies out of Scott.

"Such pretty sounds from such a pretty boy..." Wallace smiles and adds another finger this time eliciting a moan from the boy under him, they go on like this for a bit before Wallace deems Scott preped enough and removes his fingers moving to rub his boyfriend's shoulders making him whine.

"Are you ready baby?" Wallace spreads some lube on his length groaning as the cool substance coated his neglected cock, Scott nods and Wallace shoots him a look "words baby" "y- mg- yes please~" without wasting a moment Wallace pushes in and they both let out loud moans.

Wallace waits for Scott to adjust before he pulls out and pushes in again slowly, eventually they build a steady pace both of them are letting out constant noises and a endless stream of praise spills from Wallace mouth as he caresses any part of Scott he can get his hands on and planting kisses anywhere he can.

Scott wants to cry, not because he's In pain or uncomfortable but because he feels so good and so loved and he was deprived of that for so long. Scott had been with quite a few girls but none ever really cared about what he wanted or how he felt and most of the time when they where done the girl would just leave.... Wallace was different, the first time they did anything he was constant with the reassurances and making sure Scott felt good and comfortable and after they took a bath together and Wallace washed his hair and had him eat and drink water and it was amazing and unlike anything he'd ever felt. (Holy shit this paragraph is too long)

As the tears spilled out of Scott's eyes Wallace wipes them away "I know, I know guy, it's ok, you're such a good boy, you deserve all of, you're the best boyfriend I could ask for ~" that sent Scott over the edge, white hot ribbons of cum spilling out of him and he also felt his insides being pumped full of Wallace's seed.

Slowly, Wallace pulled out and pulled Scott into his arms "you where so good... go to sleep, it's ok."

Scott drifted off and Wallace sighed. The new cuts lining Scott's upper arms didn't go unnoticed. Later Scott would wake up clean and in Wallace's lap with fresh clean clothes, they would have a long conversation that would end in hugs and tears but for now he sleeps peacefully in his boyfriends arms.

Not proof read

I'm sorry I'm not doing very well

Again leave requests

I love you guys

Scott pilgrim X Wallace wells oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now