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-( Him as your Enemy)

The halls were chaos as usual as you two fought over literally the d-umbest reason. Other students around you, eyed you weirdly, some had fun and some chose to ignore considering it an everyday happening.

"F-uck off! You piece of sh-it." You sneered at him.

"You little-" before Taehyung could continue any further, the bell rang indicating the beginning of the first period, making him curse under his breath.

You smirked looking at him before making a face and ran off to your class pissing him off even more. He chased after you only for you to run even faster. Until you both reached the class the teacher was there already. You both halted on your ways before taking permission from your teacher who allowed you anyway. You both went to your seats and guess what you two were each other's seat-mate.

Taehyung has been the 'it-boy' of the University. Say it academics or sports, he has been perfect in literally everything until you came. You were the first ever student who got the guts to compete against him. If he was the heartthrob of the school then you were the sweetheart.

Be it taking the top position in the class or becoming the champion in inter-school championships. It was either you or him. If someone sees from outside, they will say that you both hate each other's guts. But only if they knew how you both have been there for each other whenever the other one was in need.

Throughout the lecture. Taehyung kept teasing you to which you unwillingly reacted in the loudest way possible. And it obviously led you to have a detention and Taehyung to laugh his a-ss off. He controlled his laugh by covering his mouth while you kept hissing at him silently.

. . .

For the rest of the school hours you ignored him which unknowingly made him sad. Now it was your detention period where you sat there on the last seat of the class with three other students who also got the same punishment, but from different classes. You read some parts from the ongoing novel you always carry with yourself, unaware of the person who kept waiting for this period to get over. He didn't have the heart to leave you alone here.

The feeling in his heart was too foreign to be aware of. He couldn't figure out why your ignorance hit him so hard. He only knew he wanted you to talk to him again like before, be it only fight. The bell rang finishing the period as your teacher released you all. Taehyung saw your figure going out of the main building, from the terrace. But he lack the guts to approach you.

Clouds accumulated in the sky making the weather gloomy. You fastened your pace, cursing yourself for not bringing your umbrella. Even Taehyung wasn't with you. H-eck, this wouldn't have happened if he didn't tease you in the first place. Feeling a few drops of rain touching your bare skin, you look up at the sky. The rain got heavy in no time.

Having no other choice as the rain got heavier, you waited under a shed of a shop. More than ten minutes passed, but the rain showed no signs of stopping anytime soon. Seeing no other way out, you took a risk to make a run until your home. You tried to protect yourself with your bag and ran as fast as you could.

It took you almost a quarter of an hour to reach yours and Taehyung's shared apartment. As cringe as it sounds, but your parents, being high-school buddies and now business partners, made you both share an apartment so that they could be less worried, not knowing the amount of hatred you both have for each other. Not to mention, you even got transferred here for the same reason.

Opening the door with the spare key you have, your nose met a delicious aroma letting you know, Taehyung was surely cooking something. You dropped your bag on your bed, after taking off its rain cover. Thanks to it, your head was still dry enough, so you won't catch a cold. You entered the bathroom and took a shower after washing your uniform.

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