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Author's Perspective

your heart is at its fastest pace in some odd reason as you stand froze like a statue in front of your Professor Kim's cabin for the past minutes now.

you heave a deep sigh, just by reading the word written on the signboard in front "Prof. Taehyung Kim's Cabin", goosebumps is an understatement to describe what you really felt right now.

“ stupid idiot he's not going to eat you alive for d-amn sake just get inside. ” you hiss mentally cursing yourself for being pathetic.

you just knock into the door as fast as possible receiving no response from the other side making you frown. you knocked once again but still there's no response, you sigh in frustration.

“ Mr. Kim? i am coming inside. ”

your eyes immediately roamed around as you get inside in the cabin.

you can say that his cabin was neatly clean that it almost made your jaw drop to the ground, the beautiful interior which is fortunately also your ultimate fave 'the black and grey', it made you unknowingly smile you both have similarities indeed.

and not to forget that your nostrils has been blessed because you can literally smell the man's tempting manly scent inside his cabin, but the person you were finding was nowhere to be seen.

“ damn i wonder how he smells closer? ” you sigh as you reluctantly shake your head cursing yourself for the nth time.

“ oh you- get a grip! this is not the time to simp. ”

you pace towards the organized table of his, getting a glimpse of the piled papers and things that was gorgeously arranged.

you immediately drop down the box as you breathed in relief, you were carrying the medium box for how many minutes that it made your arms sore.

“ that's it, leave before he comes back in. ” as much as you wanted to stay here just to smell his scent but at the same time not wanting to be caught.

you immediately made your way to the door ready to twist the knob but just as you were about to get outside, the door opened making you froze.

the man standing in front of you made your breath stopped and body glued at the same spot.

“ Ms. Shin? ” the man blurted slightly tilting his head, confused and stunned at your sudden appearance in his own cabin. yet he can't deny the rapid beating of his heart the moment he saw you in front of him.

“ Mr. K-Kim? i.. uhm i'm s-sorry i d-didn't mean to barge here like-- ”

“ it's okay, come inside and tell me what brings you here? ”

the man ushers you inside politely before closing the door behind as you mentally curse your fate for making you meet the person who always makes your heartbeat go crazy.

you cleared your throat composing yourself at least not to make yourself embarrass.

“ I was here to give the box of test papers to you Mr. Kim. I did knock b-but you weren't responding so i just came inside and i am really sorry for that. ”

“ Taehyung. ”

“ p-pardon? ”

“ call me Taehyung, i don't want you to oppose and you can come here whenever you want to Ms. Shin. ”

you blinked your eyes trying to process if what you just heard right now was real. the man who just told you to call him by his name just stare at you while you were still lost.

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