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NAOMI STEVEISON♔Naomi pulled open her dark blue locker after she had finished putting in her daily combination

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Naomi pulled open her dark blue locker after she had finished putting in her daily combination. She grabbed all her books that she was required to have for her next class pulling them to her chest.

She looked at her reflection in her small mirror that was placed on the door. She brought her hand up pressing on the base of her edges that was starting to slightly lift but not to much.

Good enough for her to continue the day.

She slammed her locker shut—her body jumping once her eyes came onto kiari who was leaning on the locker right beside hers—that most likely wasn't his. with his hands stuffed in the pockets of his all black moncler puffer jacket.

His brownskin face stretched into a smile showcasing his perly straight white teeth as his eyes dropped and scanned down at the shorter girl and her appearance.

"Princess. I haven't seen you all day. You've been dodging a nigga?" His smooth but naturally raspy voice filled her ear drum's and a low sigh escape her lips.

"Stop calling me that. what have I told you?" He rolled his eyes blowing out a small breath pushing himself off the lockers remembering what she told him last time he called her that name.

"Stop calling me that kiari. I'm not your damn princess!" She fussed. folding her arms across her chest and glared at him.

"Naomi, I truly don't give a fuck. I like it so imma call you it. , plus it suit you" He shrugged his broad shoulders. Almost Everything she did reminded him of princess, she gave off those vibes of a woman who was kind and loved wearing dresses especially since he overheard her singing to herself just like the Disney princess movies.

But whenever he would ask about her vocals or brought it up, Naomi always will shut it down.

"Anyway.  I heard your birthday party tonight..no invite?" His perfectly arched thick eyebrows pulled together keeping his gaze on her—them making eye contact for a couple seconds but naomi breaking it once her stomach started to twist.

"Who told you that?" She asked looking around seeing some people start to look over at their interaction—mostly girl sending her looks making her turn her body towards the lockers not liking all the attention. This is why she hated him coming up to her, she hated too much attention especially if it's this type of attention.

"Some people been talking about it and somehow. I'm not invited" He raised his left eye- brow walked closer to her knowing it would bring more attention to the pair but that's exactly what he wanted.

"Because I don't like you." She simply replied placing her head against the locker sighing to herself.

"Damn. I thought we were besties, like two peas in a pot." He put his two fingers upside each other wrapping them around each other before chuckling knowing he was probably getting on her nerves but kiari knew she liked it but didn't want to admit it outloud. Or maybe he was delusional.

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