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                           SIRENA MONAE                                            ❀"DETECTIVE RENA!" Her co-worker, Thomas shouted through the long hallway waving his right hand around to alerting the woman through the small crowd of people once ...

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                           SIRENA MONAE
"DETECTIVE RENA!" Her co-worker, Thomas shouted through the long hallway waving his right hand around to alerting the woman through the small crowd of people once he spotted her.

"Hey Thomas. You called me and said you had something really important or something. But listen you intrup-" She started off looking down at her new white apple watch settled on her wrist along with her gold and black vancleef.

It was currently 8pm at night. To late to be at work and her shift ended just two hours ago and she didn't even get to rest fully since she got a call as soon as her body hit her bedsheets. but nonetheless the pay was pretty good and she loved shopping she sucked it up for tonight even though she was crying on her way here.

"They caught him." He cut her sentence short which made her immediately snap her gaze up towards him now attracted by those words. This is why they wanted her here so late at night.

"Follow me.." He said before he turned around and started to walk down the long hallway heading towards where they kept the most wanted fugitives to question them on their crimes.

"Did they catch him or did he willingly hand himself over?" She asked as she picked up her pace to catch up with the male walking quickly infront of her. And soon catching up with him.

"I don't know detective. The police claimed that they seen the fugitive walking down the block across from here. When they got out the car to question him and possibly arrest him, he resisted and proceeded to put one of our police officers in the chokehold and started to apply pressure causing his face to turn a purple color before they tased him and he released paul then they were able to arrested him."

Sirena footsteps came to a halt making thomas do the same as a frown made its way to his face turning around confused on why she stopped.

"Is Paul dead?" She questioned. pulling her perfectly arched eyebrows together. As multiple assumptions ran through her brain.

"No, but he was an inch away from passing away." He disclosed.

"So He almost killed one of our police officers  and was walking across the block from a police station knowing he was wanted and we were looking for anything on him and you're telling me he didn't hand himself over?" She spoke in allusion bringing her eyes back up to thomas.

"To me that sounds like he was turning himself in, He was walking outside at night-time knowing it be police officers roaming the streets especially around here" She voiced as she began to walk again them almost being at their destination.

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