Chapter One | The Move

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The airport's busy, people walking around in a frenzy trying to get to their flights or out of the building.

I walk alongside my family in silence, it's been awkward ever since our big fight. Mum and Dad want to move since Mum got a promotional offer from work, but I really want to stay. I hate change, I was forced through enough change when I was 12 and we moved from South Africa to Sydney. Now to move to Melbourne? But inevitably, we ended up here in Melbourne, rather than staying, right in time for my last year of high school.

It's the worst year to move, all the friendship groups have been formed, people no longer want to socialise, plus everyone's focused on all the tests. I guess I wasn't going to do much socialising anyway, with my goal of becoming the dux. As nerdy as it sounds, I really want to do well since I've been an all As student for as long as I can remember. Still, I wish I was at my old school with my friends who've supported me for years.

I sigh lightly and move towards my Mum, looping my arm in hers as a sign of peace. She smiles down at me and I know we're fine now. We continue walking to the checkout for a couple minutes before being interrupted.

"Ow!" I yell out as a trolly carrying bags on-top of bags rolls over my foot. My eyes start to water from the weight of it all.

"Sorry!" A boy around my age calls out as he continues his journey without even stopping. He was tall, quite handsome really with a nice shaggy undercut and a lip piercing. Either way I didn't like him; he did not look one bit sorry at all.

"Are you alright sweetheart?" My Dad asks. I nod in response, lightly sighing. I continue walking to the exit of the airport ignoring the stabbing pain in my foot each step I take.


"Luzi! Is your room finished yet?"

It has been one whole week since we arrived and my Dad was on my case about my room. Something about me feeling more at home if I decorated it.

My old room was amazing. I had photos of all my friends on a huge black board, everything was either black or moss green, giving a dark nature vibe to it that I absolutely loved. My favourite part was the sunrise I'd wake up to every morning through my wide window. The mix of orange, yellow and pink would always start my days of on a good note.

Sadly, the window of my new room is blocked by the house next to us, meaning I won't be able to get my usual breathtaking morning view. A constant reminder that I'm no longer home.

Sighing, I push myself up from my bed. My parents have been trying their best to make me comfortable here so I should make an effort too. I start unboxing bedroom decorations and planning where to put everything. Not even an hour later, everything is set. The photos of all my friends, the fake vines, my green lamp light and so on. I got to give it to Dad, I do feel better now my room is decorated again.

"Dad, I've finished decorating my room!" I yell as I run to the kitchen where my Mum and Dad are.

"Perfect LuLu, we're thinking of heading out and exploring, it's been a whole week but we've been cooped up at home the whole time!" My Mum rambles.

"But Muuuum there's nothing to do in Melbourne." I state, because there isn't. Sydney and Melbourne are practically the same except Sydney has better landscapes.

"Don't knock it till you try it sweetheart, go and change, it'll only be a short tour." My Dad counters. I walk back to my room, mumbling a small 'fine'.

After changing in to some comfy walking clothes, I rush back down. If I'm going out I might as well enjoy it. I'm greeted by my smiling parents and soon enough we're on the road. Two hours of exploring later, I definitely take back what I said. Both Sydney and Melbourne are amazing in their own way, here in Melbourne though there are so many different cultures.

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