33. Take a break

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Jeongguk opens the front door with the key and steps inside. It was still early in the morning so he assumed that Taehyung might be sleeping. He goes to his room first to take his clothes and freshen up...

He stayed at Namjoon's yesterday considering that he and Taehyung needed some time alone... But he was all set to apologize to him today and make everything right.

He comes out of the shower and changes into new clothes. Then he goes to Taehyung's room and opens the door. He expected a figure lying on the bed sleeping but the room was empty.

"Tae?" He calls out... He widens his eyes as he searches in the apartment and sees no trace of Taehyung. He panics and calls Taehyung.

He hears a ring from the kitchen counter and goes there. He spots Taehyung's phone lying on the dining table.

"Where are you baby?" He fears that Taehyung might have left him again but then he hears the ring of the doorbell. He immediately goes to answer the door, hoping that it would be Taehyung.

"Tae" He says as soon as he opens the door. But he gets disappointed when he sees that it was not Taehyung but Jimin.

"Jimin? What happened?" He asks letting Jimin inside.

"Jeongguk... Um... I am sorry on behalf of Jihyo... What she did yesterday was really unforgivable... "Jimin says really ashamed of what his sister tried to do.

"Wait- how did you get to know that?" Jeongguk was confused how Jimin knew about all this. Jihyo wouldn't have told him herself.

"T-Taehyungie told me... Everything..."

"Tae? Jimin do you know where he is?" Jeongguk asks worried.

"Uh he is at Jin hyung's place right now... I came here to take his phone and some clothes..."Taehyung asked Jimin not to tell about him being admitted in hospital as he didn't want to worry Jeongguk even more.

"B-but why at Jin hyung's... I needed to talk to him. I want to apologize... "Jeongguk says desperately.

"Jeongguk...He said he wants some time to clear his mind... But he told me tell you that this time he is not leaving. He promised that he will come back to you. So, don't worry..." Jimin sighs as he looks at Jeongguk and pats his shoulders comfortingly. He was sad seeing his friends like that but he knows time will fix everything.

"Oh-k you can take his clothes and phone..." Jeongguk says with glossy eyes. He was scared that Taehyung might be angry from him and leave him again. He sees Jimin walk towards Taehyung's room and come out with a bag after a while. He dreaded this moment. This is not how things were supposed to go like. He was supposed to just talk with Taehyung and then ask him to be his again but guess the fate had another plans.

"I shall get going now... Everything will be alright Jeongguk don't worry. You both just need some time to clear things out... Hmm?" Jimin hugs Jeongguk and caresses his hairs. He feels Jeongguk crying silently on his shoulders.

"I don't want to lose him again... "Jeongguk mumbles shortly.

"You won't Jeongguk-ah" He loves you a lot to hurt you again

Jimin backs away from the hug and takes the bag again in his hands.

"I'll see you in the university... Take care" He smiles softly and heads out of the apartment.

"W-will Tae come?" Jeongguk asks immediately.

"I guess no for some days... He said he will take notes from his classmates... "Jimin sighs sadly and walks away. Jin was the one who advised Taehyung to take a small break from university.

"O-ok" Jeongguk wets his dry lips and closes the door. He closes his eyes and rests his forehead on the door as tears stream down his face.


Double update! Have a great holiday season!🥰

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