CH3:Return of the crimson shade

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(Pov:None, Time midnight)

2 figures can be seen chasing each other . The one who was running away was carrying an unconscious  blonde  girl ,the said person was none other than Shuna Uzumaki Namikaze and the one who was pursuing the kidnapper was eldest of the Uzumaki Namikaze siblings Naruto Uzumaki .

(Pov:Clone Naruto)

[Ahhhhhhhhh!!!! of all the days this could happen it had to happen on the day my original body is going to return what are the chances of this happening is merely 1 in 913 today seems to be my unlucky day. This guy has to be at least High chunin and judging by his headband he must be a rogue from Iwagakure and there is another one from kumo who kidnapped Hinata Hyuga ]

OYE! how far are you planning on running you know you can't escape from this village and my friend is chasing your partner you 2 have nowhere to run.

{Suddenly the kidnapper stopped and turned around and started grinning maniacally}

kidnapper):I know that but if i managed to escape and give her to my village, they will remove my banishment and start  worshiping me they will consider me a hero for bringing the daughter of the most hated man in the Iwagakure Hahahahahahahaa.

Naruto):[So that's his plan give Shuna to Iwagakure and claim fame, I need to proceed with caution] You do Know the fact by doing that you are potentially starting a war don't you.

Kidnapper):If we get caught that is ,you are not even a genin and as long as we keep the noise low other won't even notice. By the way I must admit this blondey is quite beautiful once I return to Iwagakure I will make her my wife and make sure to bre-

{Just as he was gonna complete his sentence a barrier was erected covering the two,and  a women in all black was seen walking towards them }

{Just as he was gonna complete his sentence a barrier was erected covering the two,and  a women in all black was seen walking towards them }

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{Both of them immediately recognized who she was}

Kidnapper):(frightened) Miss X,Why are you here

{The women ignored him and kept walking toward naruto but then suddenly she disappeared }

{The women ignored him and kept walking toward naruto but then suddenly she disappeared }

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 #{Ignore the sword}

{and the clone get his heart pierced by the said women's hand, she whispers  something in the clones ear and the clone gives a small smile before falling down}

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