ch18: Reliving memories

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[Another Planet]

A man with white hair can be seen sleeping in the shades of the world tree. Not until someone crashed meters away from him creating a dust cloud. The intruder suddenly speaks their mere voice shaking the whole area.

Unknown: Come out END I am here for a duel 

The white hair man slightly open his eyes and speaks.

White hair: I am not interested in the slightest bit God of war, you should learn to control your violent impulses. 

{This is ares}

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{This is ares}

Ares: just like the rumor said you are nothing like the other giants I mean aren't you a bit to small for a giant and you are much smarter than the others. But it doesn't matter I came here for a fight, and I will have one.

White hair:{Gets up and lightly swipes the air creating a gush of wind that clears the dust cloud}

White hair:{Gets up and lightly swipes the air creating a gush of wind that clears the dust cloud}

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[Yup its END ]                                          

  My height doesn't matter Ares and My siblings were born to kill the Olympians; my job is to protect Gaia when she is recovering that's why I am different. So now let me do my work you go and play your little game with someone else {Saying this END makes a swiping gesture as if telling a child to scram, seeing this veins pop out of Ares head}

Ares: I see so if I cut down that huge tree you will fight me { Ares draws his long sword and swings towards the tree, but his sword was caught by END with his bare hands} {Ares grins} as expected from a Giant managed to catch a God's weapon with bare hands.

END: {Annoyed} What do you think you are doing do you know the consequences of attacking a primordial god 

Ares: {Makes a dumb face} No

END: {lets go of the sword and massages his head} you really are a muscle head, I'll tell you what will happen if you attack Her You will enrage all the Giants and end up starting a second Gigantomachy.

Ares: Don't worry I knew that you would stop me so I took the gamble. Now fight me or else I will continue to attack.

END:{sighs and gave up} just this once I will fight but in return you will never attack  her again Deal.

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