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As i walked through a wild garden of green, the wind blew my fur pushing it behind, yet I walked forward in the grand but lonely field, in the tall grass I'm probably seen from afar, as my white fur shines like the moon above me.

As i reach the top of the grassy field i see a village from the distance I can't help but stop and stare for a moment, the thought of being warm with the city lights seeing that much people, new faces.

But the thought goes over my head as i shake my head and continue my path moments later. I would scare them all away anyway.

Being affiliated with such a criminal has its downsides. Even twenty or so years later, people don't forget or forgive, but they live in fear of it, they don't even stop to think.

Telling stories, only about the many lies they made up, the rumors that spread like a plague. Involving those who weren't even there to begin with.

I'm the one who suffers from that, i was just someone everybody didn't know nor like, a quiet kid, a friendly one... For most part, but because of his fit of rage and my choice to try and meditate like Oogway did, there wasn't much to be done other to punish me too, i guess.

Tai Lung.

As i remember his name, mixed feelings come to my head, anger, sadness, and something else i didn't really knew.

Oogway always said i should try to forgive everyone that hurts me in any way, and so i always did, but even tho' he didn't even touch me, doing what he did, making me part of his tragedy.

Only made anger grow inside of me.

Although as the wind blows a bit stronger, i stop making my thin body stay in place so I keep my balance.

I look at the sky, dark clouds coming fast covering the moon, a thunder could be heard and as i put my old yet loyal black hood above my head i walk fast to near woods in front of me.

And as I've feared i can feel drops of water hit my exposed fur. Big ones, the rain was gonna be strong, luckily a cave nearby should always served as a great resting point.

Alone in the dark of the night with rain just beside me i close my eyes, wanting nothing more but to forget my thoughts and rest my mind.

Waiting and hoping for tomorrow's wind  to be kind and soft.

As i go back to where i belong.


I know it's short but i wrote this in my break from work, hope y'all like it will try to update this as soon as i can.

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