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-A leaf in the Winter-

It was a naturaly sunny day bellow in the Valley of Piece, the wind blowing slowly but in a refreshing way, more than enough clouds in the sky showing a perfect balance of sunlight and the shadows on the grown.

But far above there was the Jade Pallace a place yet to be known by many, although for now a training grown for body and mind of Master Shifu and his sensei Master Oogway.

Together they lived maintaining the piece, of the valley below and honoring Kung Fu's Legacy that was already very well known.

One night, somehow a snow leopard cub ended up in the palace's doors and Shifu ended up finding them and with his newfound care for the small cub.

With that Oogway let him stay, happy to see Shifu find purpose taking care of such cub.

As time passed the Cub watched how his now father, do the arts of Kung Fu on a daily basis, for different occasions, sometimes he would do it to defeat people that disturbed the peace in the Valley below, other times he would only do it to show off to the young cub.

And those things alone made the yet small cub learn a few things, and when he showed such natural talent in the training ground, Shifu saw the potential in him, and from that day on they started training so both of them would improve, Shifu as a father and teatcher, and cub his natural skills, and eventually he got named Tai Lung, a name that although he didn't yet understood, but accepted with pride.

But as days passed Tai Lung grew, and so did his training, Shifu was cleary seeing his limits and trying to cross them, trying to make his pupil the best of the best, not noticing the exhaustion and weakness his son was in.

Only noticing when he fell to the ground in the end of a few combination of attacks, in the middle of the now dangerous training grounds, Shifu ran and took Tai Lung out of there, shocked by the, to him, sudden lack of energy.

but now worried and looking distressed in the view of his son, uncounscious on the ground, he asked to the servents of th pallace to treat him, going himself to see Oogway for guidance, as it was not the first time that had happened.

"I don't understand master, i'm doing everything right, i'm teaching him the thecniques, making sure his doing them right and training him with them, yet he always seems like lacking practice, he always faints in the middle of training, but how?"

Oogway looked calmly at his small friend, with not a hint of worry, showing he did already knew the answer but he tries to give it in a way Shifu would fully realise.

"Is he eating normally?"

"Yes, master!"

"Is he sleeping normally?"

"Yes, master!"

"Is he getting breaks from all the training you've given him so far?"

And as Shifu was about to repeat the same phrase again he hesitated, trying to remember the last time he did that, only the memories of his cub ages were remembered though, as he closes his mouth and eyes, with realisation.

"No... Master."

Oogway smiled while waking outside his meditating room, looking at the plants around.

"Even the strongest of leafs needs the winter break to grow back again, friend."

Altough he understood what his master's instructions, Shifu looked at Oogway yet again in protest.

"But when will i know when he's ready to train again then, master?"

Oogway just looked at the plants.

"You got him used to the training, if he ask for training, try putting him on watch of the Pallace, he'll be resting just standing around here."

As Oogway started to enter his meditation room once agaun, he giggled.

"Who knows, he may like it."

He says still going away, leaving Shifu to consider this as a serious demand and smiling deciding to follow his master's words.


this was a bit longer and i'm glad i'm getting better at this, hope you all like it as well

{665 words}

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29 ⏰

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