Epilogue: 17 Years Later

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Rose's POV

Hi everyone, I am Rose Lily-Jean Potter. I have two amazing loving parents. My mum is Hermione Jean Potter and she was recently elected Minister of Magic. My dad Harry James Potter is in his second year as head of the Auror Office at the ministry.

I have two brothers, well three. Two blood brothers and one god brother. Teddy also known as Edward Lupin, is dad's god son. He pretty much grew up living with us as his parents died in a war when he was a baby. He completed Hogwarts last year and was a hufflepuff like his mother. He plans on becoming a teacher like his late father Remus Lupin.

My oldest brother, James is in his final year and it a proud gryffindor. He has no idea what he wants to do, so is planning on traveling after school. My other brother Albus, is in his third year and was sorted into Slytherin. Along with his best friend Scorpius Malfoy. Who I may have a crush on. I'm also best friends with his little sister Estella, she and I are starting at Hogwarts this year. Along with Alice Augusta and Frank Neville Abbott-Longbottom.

My family is close with the Weasley family. Dad and mum are best friends with Ron Weasley. Who has a daughter in her third year at Hogwarts. Her name is Mia and she so has a crush on James. Her mother died in child birth, so Ron has raised her alone. She has nine cousins. Yes, you heard right, nine.

In age order there is; Freddie, Victoire, Lorenzo (aka Enzo), Molly, Roxanne, Luna, Dominique, Lucy and Louis. Freddie, Victoire, Enzo and Molly are all in their final year. All proud gryffindors. Luna is a fifth year slytherin. Lucy, Roxanne, and Dominique fifth year gryffindors. Loius is a third year gryffindor and Mia is too.

I'm forgetting someone. Oh, yes my aunt Juliet. She completed school with Teddy last year. She is going to Romania to become a dragon tamer. I am so proud of everyone in my family. I hope I can live up to them.

"Rose, are you ready?" dad asks.

"Almost dad" I tell him as I continue to read the book mum had given me. Dad enters my room and chuckles shaking his head when he sees me reading. But at least my trunk is packed.

"It's time to go young lady" he tells me.

"Just one more chapter" I plead.

"No, you can read on the train" he tells me. "Where's your cat?" he asks me.

"Think she was chasing a rat in the attic" I tell him.

"I'll grab her, take your trunk downstairs" he tells me.

"I got it dad" James states appearing in the door way. He flicks his wand making my trunk float. He recently turned seventeen and performs magic a lot. Even to fold his socks.

"James!" I shout and race after him. "Mum said no magic in the house" I remind him.

"Oh relax Rosie" he tells me. "I know what I'm doing" he states.

"James Sirius Potter, stop using magic this instate" mum orders.

"Fine mum" he says dropping the trunk. It rolls down a flight of stairs. Nearly hitting Albus. "Opps, sorry little brother" he says sheepishly.

"That's why I told you no magic in the house" mum snaps. "Where's your father? We're going to be late" she states.

"He's getting Nickle" I tell her.

"Albus, I asked you to grab your sister's cat" mum states.

"Sorry mum, had to owl Scorpius" he says sheepishly.

"What was so important, that it couldn't wait until you were on the train?" she asks him.

"Nothing, look dad's caught Nickle. Lets go" Albus says while grabbing his trunk. Mum sighs and dad pecks her on the lips.

"Lets go" he says. I grab my trunk and James grabs his. As we family we walk to Kings Cross Station. Once there we went through the barrier. We were greeted by Mia.

"Guess what I just saw" she tells me.

"What?" I ask curious.

"Teddy was snogging Victoire" she states.

"Honestly, you spend to much time with your father" mum tells her. "What have you been teaching her Ronald?" she asks.

"Hey, it's hard being a single parent" he tells her. He shakes dad's hand. "You excited for your first year?" he asks me.

"A little nervous" I tell him.

"With your mother's brain, you'll be fine" he tells me.

"Thank god they all have their mother's brains" dad tells him.

"Remember Rose, we'll be proud no matter what house you are in" mum assures me.

"I know mum" I state. "Anyway, we should board. I promised Alice and Estella I'd sit with them" I tell them. We say our goodbyes. Then James helps me get my trunk onto the train. I wave good bye to our parents. Before going to find my friends, when I find them I see Frankie has decided to join us. He is a bit shy around new people.

Hermione's POV

"There they go" Harry says as he wraps his arms around my waist. "The last of the family off to Hogwarts" he states.

"Bet you two are going to enjoy some private alone time" Ron teases.

"Oh grow up Ronald" I snap lightly.

"Hi guys" Blaise says as he appears with Ginny. "We were just talking to Hannah, Draco, Astoria and Neville. We're going to have a drink at the Leaky Cauldron to celebrate sending all our kids off to school" he states.

"Sounds good to me" Ron states.

"I'm free, Hermione?" Harry asks.

"Well I do have those files I need to read before tomorrow" I remind him.

"Come on, you can spare an hour for lunch and drinks" he tells me. I agree and we all disapparate. Lunch and drinks was great. It was nice catching up with everyone. Before he left, Neville promised to owl us after the kids are sorted. He is now the herbology professor at Hogwarts. Head Gryffindor and Deputy head master. McGonagall plans on retiring in a couple of years.

Harry and I are relaxing be the fire. As I read my files and he reads a magazine about quidditch. When we get an owl from Neville. Rose was sorted into Gryffindor along with Estella. That must have come as a big surprise to Draco and Astoria. Then Harry and I were surprised when Albus was sorted into Slytherin. But we still love him. Alice was a hufflepuff like her mother and Frankie was placed in Gryffindor.

We all lived happily ever after.


Pictures above of James, Albus, Scorpius, Rose, Luna, Lorenzo, Estella, Alice, Frank, Louis, Freddie, Victoire, Molly, Lucy, Roxanne, Mia, Teddy, Juliet, and Dominique.

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