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Inyoup and y/n were standing outside of the restaurant " we have to pretend that we are a happy couple" Inyoup said making sure his parents not find about their chaotic relation " don't worry I am good in acting" he sign and they both entered

" Hello my son and daughter in law " Mrs hwang said excitedly " good evening" they greet and sits on their chairs " so how's your married life going" Mr hwang asked them  " it's going great " y/n smiled and said

Let's start eating they were eating when Mrs hwang asked something they weren't excepting " where you planning to go on honeymoon " Inyoup choked and looked at his mom " what " ? Her mom looked at him and said " don't act like this now it's common to go out after wedding so y/n which place you like "

" Oh me , well I love Paris " his dad smiled " sure than it's done you both going to Paris "

                               Time skip

They both waved their hands to Mr and Mrs hwang who were now sitting in car going to drive away after they gone Inyoup looked at y/n and said " you really want to go honeymoon with me " she looked at him and said

" What if I really want to go with you , what if I want to give this marriage a chance , what if Im really ready to spend my life with you " she all these things looking directly in his eyes while he was just staring her but he didn't said anything making her upset

                                 y/n pov

What I was even excepting I know you would never feel the same she thought this when he didn't said anything she turned around and was about to walk when he grab her hand

" You really mean all the things you said ?" He asked her she looked at him and chuckle " ofc not I was just trying to stay in my character we both know how much we hated getting married and how badly we want to end it " he nodded " ofc it's true "

" Yes so let's go " she walked he looked down and said " what did I even expected"

                                      At club

Sung-kyung was drinking with her friends in club but she was drinking non stop her friends notice that " sung-kyung stop drinking you had enough already" one of her friend said but she ignored it and keep drinking " what happened to her ?" one of her friend asked " she is heartbroken " a girl replied " what " ? Her friend asked in shocked

" Yes hwang Inyoup is married now with someone else while she had loved him since her highschool days " she keep saying his name and drinking her friend grabbed her phone and said " we can't handle her drunk self lets call someone " he go through her call list only to find beom number and hwang Inyoup

" Who should I call " ? He asked " maybe that beom guy cuz am sure Inyoup wouldn't come and she called this beom guy many times so maybe they are close "

                                hwang house

Y/n was sitting on her bed thinking what just happened few hours ago " why I said those things what was in my mind that time " she closed her eyes in frustration " I shouldn't have said those words it's so fucking embarrassing" she decided to to talk with Inyoup about this she walk to her room door and open it only to find him already standing there

My husband is my high school enemy ( Hwang In Youp × Oc)Where stories live. Discover now