TWENTY-NINE, charity dinner.

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enchantedchapter 29, charity dinner

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chapter 29, charity dinner.


One of Rory's punishments for being late home and stealing the alcohol from her dad and the Garrison was attending the charity dinner. Plus Tommy insisted the girl attended and she didn't want to annoy Tommy. The blonde found herself standing with Freya and Polly while Lottie and Eve were with Finn, Arthur and John.

"How much convincing did it take for you to wear the dress?" Freya smirked at her niece while looking at the black dress was wearing, subtly letting her have a sip of Arthur's drink that she stole.

"I'm grounded so I didn't have a bloody choice," she grumbled while passing the drink back. "It was either wear the dress or don't wear the dress and get another day added to my grounding."

"Will you stop giving her alcohol?" Polly hissed, looking around to see John already making a beeline for the two.

"Shit," Freya mumbled when she looked up to see her brother standing in front of her.

"What?" Rory asked looking around to see her dad. "Shit."

"You, go find Lottie and stop giving her alcohol. She's already grounded because she's started drinking," he pointed to Freya and then to Rory. "And you stay where I can see you."

The girl made a move to go find Eve since Freya and Lottie had disappeared but she was pulled aside by Grace. "I know you don't like me," Grace began.

"No kidding," the girl muttered, looking to see where Eve was.

"But I love Tommy and I love Charles."

"I would be a bit concerned if you didn't. Tommy's your husband and Charles is your son," she retorted, remembering her cousin who was also called Charlie depending on who was speaking about him. The same cousin she had only seen twice, once when he was born and the other time at Tommy and Grace's wedding and that was only because he was crying and Rory was woken up by his cries so she went in to soothe him back to sleep.

"Are you done with the sarcastic remarks?" Grace sighed.

"Probably not but carry on with your speech," Rory gave her a nod, finally looking at the woman in front of her. "Ooo that necklace is nice," she complimented. "Did Tom get you it?" she asked while looking at it properly, she had seen it before but she didn't know where.

"Thank you. Can I carry on?"

"If you must," the girl nodded.

"I'm sorry for what I put your family through. I'm sorry I'm part of the reason you lost your uncle Danny, Tommy told me how much he meant to you."

Rory let out a sigh, "I am willing to forgive you, for Tommy's sake. You're right I might have lost an uncle but I got my uncle Tom back and that's because of you. You make him happy and I don't think he's ever been this happy before. But if you ever put my family in that position again I will kill you myself. Is that understood?" She might have been willing to forgive her but she could never forget what happened.

𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝, 𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤𝐲 𝐛𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now