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Monday morning Valerie called to Emily as she stepped off the elevator "Ms. Monroe!"

"Good morning! Any interesting news today?"

"Yeah! You! Have you seen the magazines?"

"I've been... busy. Nothing bad I hope."

"No! The opposite! There are spreads almost everywhere on your vacation with Mr. Hutchins." Valerie sighed wistfully "I wish a handsome, obscenely rich man came along and swept me off my feet. But all I get are Mr. Makinens and their clumsy flirting."

Emily laughed. "Just don't settle for good enough and a Mercedes if the perfect person comes rolling up in a twenty-year-old Civic. You deserve someone who worships you."

"Are you saying Mr. Hutchins worships you?" Valerie asked slyly.

"Maybe I'm the one who worships him." Emily winked. "So what about those spreads? I hope no one caught me motorboating a tray of lasagna!"

"Hahaha! Nope. Every picture I've seen is life goals. Are you sure you two didn't bring a stylist team along to make everyone jealous?"

"It's probably a combination of airbrushing and the photographers being so happy they expensed that trip they went easy on us. Or they're saving the lasagna photos for the next issue!"

"Like you eat lasagna."

"Oh, honey, what you see is flattering cuts and spanx. Ain't nobody taking my lasagna away from me."

Emily hurried to her office hoping to hear the risk they were taking was paying off for Dominic. The moment she walked through the door she was snatched off her feet and twirled around like a rag doll. She squealed and pounded his back to be put down. "Good news?"

"The best! Stock prices have rebounded across the board and you, young lady, are the hottest commodity in advertising right now. Everyone wants the woman whose paparazzi photos are so stylish they could be a campaign in themselves. They want you to work that magic for them." He squeezed her one more time and lowered her to the floor. "You and I make a good team. I'm glad you're by my side."

"You've put a lot of trust and effort into me the past few months. The least I can do is give you a good return on your investment."

Dominic frowned at her words. So she still thought he was only acting as he did for a return on a financial investment. He'd have to try harder.

They fell back into their routine that week. Besides catching up from the vacation time there was an influx of meetings with potential new clients. The only differences from their individual habits of spending long hours at the office were that they weren't alone in a deserted office when 10 pm rolled around and they commuted together, chatting companionably on the drives to and from work.


The middle of Friday afternoon Dominic closed his laptop, stretched in his chair and looked thoughtfully across the office at Emily. His movement caught her eye. Glancing up she saw him leaning forward gazing at her. "Did you need something?"

"I was thinking. How much do you need to finish today?"

"Mmm..." Emily quickly skimmed her task list "I think I've done everything urgent. Why?"

"What do you say we send everyone home and go on a date?"

"Is there any particular reason?"

"It's been so busy all week with the increase in accounts I thought everyone deserved breathing space. Then we've been holed up living on deli sandwiches. We should probably make an appearance."

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