Chapter 4-Blooming Friendship

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For luck, hope, and prosperity

But also for poison, corruption, and envy.

Nico's p.o.v

I wake up to the sound of frenetic banging on the doors of my cabin. I groan and get up to open the door, not forgetting to put a shirt on before doing so. I let out an annoyed glare at Lou Ellen that I found standing in front of me nervously. They are probably playing truth or dare again. I close the door on her face. As soon as the door is completely closed, I hear the counselor of the Hecate Cabin scream.

- Y/n is calling for you! She dropped to the floor and we don't know what to do.

As soon as I hear the name of the girl I helped this morning, I slip my aviator jacket on and get outside in a hurry. I order the shadows to guide me to her, letting Ellen run after me.

When I arrived, I saw Y/n in the same conditions as this morning. Her face was getting paler as the second passed. The magic around her was swirling and twirling wildly. It was strong enough to make the grass under her die slowly and turn black.

I pushed the other Hecate child away from Y/n and kneeled down next to her. I brought her head to lay on my shoulder.

- Shadows ... Y/n's voice was weak and barely above a whisper, but it was enough for me to understand.

I made the darkness form a ball around the both of us, cutting all contact with the two Hecate kids. I touched Y/n's forehead, she was burning up. Her eyes were open, they were bloodshot. She was holding her head in her hands as if she was going crazy.

Not knowing what to do, I made the shadows teleport us to my, now our, cabin and made her lay down on my dark, warm bed. I pulled the cover off of her, took her black leather knee-high boots along with her leather jacket and went to get her a cup of water.

When I came back, her eyes were going from a bloody red to a pitch black. Her hair wasn't in a ponytail anymore. It was a mess, all around her head that was laying on the black pillow.

- You will not get out, you devil! She screamed, wiggling around in the bed.

I take her hand in mine, my thumb making circles on her soft skin. Her ragged breathing calms down as I press my other hand on her forehead. Her temperature is dropping.

She closes her eyes, her hand gripping mine strongly, forcing me to stay with her. Her flushed cheeks lose their red shade to return to her normal s/c shade.

She opens her eyes halfway and with a tired voice she says.

- Can you please get in bed with me?

A pink blush covers my colorless white cheeks as she pulls on my arm. Her eyes are slowly closing and, before they are fully closed, she asks me again.

- You're warm and your touch is comforting me, please sleep with me?

I try to ignore the immature thoughts coming to mind as I lift the covers and slide beside her in my bed. She lays her head on my chest just before falling asleep.

I have no idea what this girl is doing to me! Why am I so happy when she's around? Why am I acting so strangely when she's around? I've never been kind to anyone. I've never helped anyone.

Why was I so worried when I heard her name from Ellen's mouth? Why do I not feel disgusted when her skin touches mine? Why am I sleeping with her in my bed? What is she doing to me? Is she using her magic tricks on me? What is happening to her? Why did her eyes change colors? Who is the devil she was talking about? Get out from where? What is she hiding?

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