The Disappearance

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The phone buzzed urgently, interrupting Taylor's quiet evening at home. With a flicker of concern, she answered, recognizing Este's sister's number on the screen.


"Tay, it's me, Dani," came Este's sister's voice, thick with worry. "Have you heard from Este lately?"

Taylor frowned. "No, not since last week's dinner. Why?"

"She hasn't answered any calls or texts for days. She missed our family lunch on Sunday, and her husband claims she's away. But something feels off, Tay. I'm really worried."

The unease in Dani's voice was palpable, sending a shiver down Taylor's spine. Este was her closest friend, a confidante through thick and thin. Something was definitely wrong.

"Let me call her husband," Taylor suggested, already dialing the number saved in her contacts.

"Hey, it's Mark. What's up?" Este's husband answered, the casual tone not quite masking Taylor's growing suspicion.

"Hey, Mark. It's Taylor. I was just checking in, haven't heard from Este in a while. How's she doing?"

Mark's response was too rehearsed. "Oh, she's taking some time off, clearing her head. Probably needed a break. You know how it is."

Taylor's mind raced, thoughts intertwining with a knot of worry. Este wasn't the type to vanish without a word. They had plans, routines - like their Tuesday dinners at Olive Garden. Panic flickered within her.

"Mark, are you sure everything's okay? It's just... unlike Este to be out of touch for this long."

There was a moment of hesitation on Mark's end. "Yeah, yeah, she's fine. Just needed some space. Look, I gotta run. Talk to you later, Tay."

The call ended, leaving Taylor with a sinking feeling. Something wasn't adding up, and her intuition screamed that Este was in trouble.

She glanced at the clock; it was late, but she couldn't ignore this. Este was family. Grabbing her keys and jacket, Taylor hurried out the door, her mind racing with scenarios, none of them comforting.

Arriving at Este's house, Taylor hesitated before knocking. The door swung open, revealing Mark with a forced smile.

"Taylor, what a surprise. Everything alright?" Mark's demeanor was friendly, but his eyes betrayed a hint of nervousness.

"I came to check on Este. Is she home?" Taylor asked, trying to keep her tone steady.

"She's out, went for a drive or something," Mark replied too quickly, blocking her view into the house.

Taylor's eyes darted around, noting the absence of Este's car. The air felt thick with tension, the truth hovering just out of reach.

"Okay, Mark. I'll swing by another time," Taylor said, masking her growing concern as she turned to leave.

As she walked back to her car, her mind churned with worry and unanswered questions. Este wasn't simply "taking a break." She was missing, and Mark's behavior only fueled Taylor's suspicions.

She pulled out her phone and dialed Selena's number, needing someone to share her concerns with.

"Hey, Tay, what's up?" Selena answered cheerfully.

"Sel, it's Este. She's missing," Taylor blurted out, her voice shaky with worry.

"What? Oh my God, are you serious?" Selena's tone shifted instantly, concern flooding her voice.

The two friends talked for hours, dissecting every detail, every interaction, searching for clues in their memories.

"Sel, something's not right. Este wouldn't just disappear like this," Taylor muttered, frustration tainting her words.

"I agree, Tay. Let's figure this out. We'll find her," Selena reassured her, determination evident in her voice.

As the night wore on, Taylor's mind raced with scenarios, her concern growing into a gnawing fear. Este's absence felt like a gaping hole in her world, and the mysteries surrounding it were only beginning to unravel.

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