xiii. day of the dead

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SUMMER HAD FALLEN upon Hawkins. School had been let out and Hawkins Pool opened up, Starcourt Mall also opened up. 

Mostly everything was back to normal. Will was allowed to be the kid he was, Eleven was back to living with Hopper, and was now with Mike everyday- much to Hopper's dismay, Lucas and Max were back together after "breaking up" about five times, Dustin was away at Camp Nowhere, and finally Gabe was being taught DnD by Will, going to the Byers' home almost everyday. 

Daisy and Jude were still together, going almost six months strong. Now, they became official the night of the Snowball and have been basically inseparable ever since. Steve and Gabe complained about the constant visiting, but nevertheless they were happy that their siblings were happy. 

Now, Steve. Steve was supposed to be applying to colleges, but hadn't, so he got a job at Scoops Ahoy, in Starcourt Mall. He worked with a girl, her name was Robin Buckley. Daisy liked Robin, though they've barely talked. 

The party waited by the entrance of Starcourt Mall, waiting for Mike. The group started to grow more annoyed, the longer they waited. 

"He's probably not gonna show, he's hanging out with El." Daisy remarked, Jude snickering. 

"Right? We were hanging out but we still showed up." Jude agreed, shaking his head. 

"Probably because you two weren't swapping spit like them two." Lucas replied, to which Daisy and Jude eyed each other and laughed, which made Lucas roll his eyes. 

"Speak of the devil." Daisy announced, when Mike finally showed up. 

"You're late." Lucas said plainly. 



"We're gonna miss the opening." Will added. 

"Yeah, if you keeping whining about it. Let's go!" Mike put his bike in the bike rack, and the group made their way into the mall. 

"If you guys keep whining about it." Lucas mocked, making Daisy giggle. 

"Just please stop talking, dude."

"Let me guess. You were busy." Lucas smacked his lips imitating kissing. 

"Oh, yeah, real mature, Lucas." Mike complained. 

"Oh, El, I wish we could make out forever, and never hang out with any of our friends." Lucas continued mocking Mike. 

"Lucas, stop." Max scolded her boyfriends

"Sounds like them two." Mike pointed to Daisy and Jude. Daisy scoffs and Jude hits Mike lightly on the back. 

"Does not! We weren't one who was late." Daisy sassed, making Mike roll his eyes and Jude laughed and agreed, while putting his arm around her shoulders. 

"Will and Gabe thinks it's funny."

"Because it is." Will said and Gabe agreed. 

"Yeah, it's so funny that I want to spend romantic time with my girlfriend." Mike complained again and rolled his eyes. 

"I'm spending romantic time with my girlfriend." Lucas confirmed, putting his arm over Max's shoulders. 

"Same here." Jude added, making Daisy smile. 

The party went down the escalator, pushing people aside. 


"Excuse us!"

 "Sorry! Sorry!"

"Excuse me, I'm sorry."



"Watch it!"

"Yeah! Watch it, nerd!" Lucas' sister, Erica shouted at them. 

"Isn't it past your bedtime?" Lucas shouted back. 

"Isn't it time you died?" Erica sassed, making Daisy laugh. 



"Mall rat!"

"Fart face!"

"Oh, now that was mature." Max pulled Lucas' arm as they entered Scoop Ahoy. 

They made their way to the counter and Robin was working, Mike annoyingly rang the bell, not stopping. 

"Hey, dingus, your children are here." Robin called for Steve, who came out of the back. 

"Again? Seriously?" Steve sighed.

He let them through the back, "I swear, if anybody hears about this--"

"We're dead!" 

Then snuck into the movies and Mike opened the door to see if anyone was there. 

"All clear." They then entered the theater playing 'Day of the Dead' and found spots. Daisy, Jude, Mike and Will sat in a row, Max, Lucas and Gabe sitting behind them. 

"See, Lucas? We made it." Mike joked. 

"We missed the previews." Lucas complained. 

"Still made it. Fart face." Max joked, quoting Erica. 

Will passed around candy to the group, and the movie started. 

Daisy put some skittles in her mouth as the movie came to a slow stop, making her and everyone else in the theater groan. 

Luckily, it came back a minute or so later, which everyone cheered at. Daisy grabbed Jude's hand and laid her head on his shoulder. 

Daisy hoped that summer would last forever. 


737 words

yayy season 3, 

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