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Finally we reached at the principal's after being stared as a creep.

My brother knocked at the door until we heard a faint voice saying 'Come in'

I went in alone feeling nervous

PRINCIPAL: Hello there, You must be a new student

YN: Yes sir

PRINCIPAL: Here's your schedule and have a peaceful life here
*Warmly smiled*

YN: Thank you sir
*bowed and walked out*

YN: Oppa what class do you have?

YOONGI: um English and you?

Ohhh noon now I have different class with him

YN: I've got maths 🙄

I hated maths but still I perform in it urghhhh!

YOONGI: Well ok behave yourself and don't cause any trouble
*said in a stern voice*

YN: eish oppa OK but you know if they mess with me I'm a give them a big punch
*proudly said*

YOONGI: yah yah now go to your class, class starts in 5mins.

YN: But where's my class

YOONGI: It's on the left written maths

YN: Ok bye Oppa 👋

YOONGI: bye princess

You both hugged before going to your class , where your brother instructed.

I took a deep breath before knocking on the door.

Few moments a woman in her 30s opened the door welcoming me in.
I assumed she was the teacher.

MATH TEACHER: Everyone we have a new student, Um please introduce yourself.

I flashed her a smile then faced everyone in class

YN: Annyeong my Name is Min Yn and I would like to say be careful when you try to mess with me or else
*Coldy said *

All the student looked scared will some girls looked at me with a disgusted look.I guess maybe they were the one's who were outside who saw me and my brother.

MATH TEACHER: umm Ok You can sit next to Jungkook. Jungkook please raise your hand.

Just then I saw a cute boy raising his one hand. As I went to sit, one girl kept staring at me with a pissed face.

Yn's mind: What's wrong with her?

I took a seat and took out my book

JUNGKOOK: hey, nice to meet you I'm..

YN: Jungkook, I heard from the teacher

JUNGKOOK: ohh can we be friends

YN: Sure now let me focus 😌

JUNGKOOK: Right sorry 😅


Yn's class went well now it was lunch time

Yn began to go to the cafeteria whole Jungkook tried to befriend her following her now and then


"😑 this bunny boy can't let me be alone and are this girls starring at me like that"

YN: Hey Jungkook, why are the looking at us.

JUNGKOOK: oh that u see I'm popular here and girls are head over heels so maybe they are jealous I'm talking to you

YN: OK 😑

JUNGKOOK: Let's wait for my friends they are going to be here in a few minutes

While we were waiting for Jungkook's friends, suddenly every girl started fangirling loudly enough to hurt someone's ear

YN: Gosh my ears why are they loud.

'Omg it's bts they are so hot
'Look Jungkook is sitting with that new girl
'Marry me Jin'
'I love you Jimin'

I somehow felt disgusted at the girl's word's

JUNGKOOK: Look there here, HEY I'M HERE

when Jungkook told me that I looked behind and saw my Brother Yoongi with them

YN: Yoongi you didn't tell me you had friends.

YOONGI: and why would I tell you 😒

YN: So that I would recognise them but I met one of your Friend Jungkook

??: wait who is she ?

??2: Wait don't tell me you have a girlfriend and you didn't tell us

??3: yah yoongi you are lucky to have a beautiful girlfriend

JUNGKOOK: Yn is he ur boyfriend or..

YOONGI: STOP IT guys she's my sister

*all of them were shocked except Me and Yoongi*

??4: Wait you have a sister


JUNGKOOK: So that's why your sur name was Min

??3: I'm sorry I misunderstood you both anyways the name's Jimin

YN: Nice to meet you Jimin

JIMIN: You can even call me baby sweetie or Dad...

YOONGI: Don't you even dare continue Jimin or else I'll burry you alive
*Coldly stared at Jimin*

JIMIN: hehe sorry just call me Mochi

??: Hello my name is Namjoon but Rm for short
*dimple smile*

YN: Nice to meet you

'Awwww I wish I could squish his cheeks'
Wait what I'm I thinking 🤦‍♀️

??4: Hello my name is Jhope
*smiled widely*

YN: Your so cute

JHOPE: umm thanks 😊
*blushing hard *

??2: Annyeong The name's Jin I'm worldwide handsome

YOONGI: here we go again


YN: Well nice to meet you

??5: Hello My name is Taehyung but V for short
*boxy smile*

"Gosh Yn your gonna die seeing them , there so cute and handsome" Yn's mind

YN: Well nice to meet you all I'm Min Yn this grandpa's sister
*pointing at Yoongi*

YOONGI: YAHH you crazy girl


The rest of the bts Laughed watching the siblings arguing, while someone was burning with jealousy watching you being close with bts

UNKNOWN: aishhhh thus girl got her self Yoongi now the rest of the boys no I won't let you
*smirked evily*

They were enjoying their lunch until the cafeteria door was opened with a loud thud

Everyone looked at the door and suddenly fear rises in them

There was a man standing there ......

To be continued

💓 Hope you liked it💓

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