(Also not a oneshot)/~*Faint snuggles

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(This contains sleeping in the same bed & cuddling , if you don't like this please don't read this)

I woke up with a throbbing pain in my head. I felt extremely dizzy & felt like I had a piece of metal in my mouth. My vision was completely blurry but after I rubbed my eyes few times I got a grasp of were i was. The bed I was laying in wasn't mine, it was much softer. & warmer. The room was much neater & had darker color tones. For once the sun didn't blind me when I woke up, the windows were hidden by black-out curtains. I turned over on my stomach to see long golden hair painting the black bed sheets. I looked up & saw Ananas smoking bakers knows what with his long hair cascading down his back. Only then I realized I was in Ananas's room, & his bed of all places.

"WHY THE ACTUAL FUCK AM I IN YOUR BED ?!" I screamed yelled/screamed. Ananas winced slightly at my exclaim & took out his cigarette to speak. "Your very clingy when your drunk." "You couldn't've just walked me to my room & left me there." "Yeah, but you're very persistent." "I better get going so the othersss don't get suspiciousss-" All the sudden I felt something grab my stomach from behind & pull me back down to the bed. I looked down to see what grabbed me & it showed a warm toned arm with a hint of golden scales scattered across. Well polished claws slightly sinking into my dough. My stomach started to feel as if it was doing backflips & cartwheels all in one at the same time.

" *Clicks tongue a few times* Oh no no no no no, you are not getting away that easily~." "But-" " *Presses finger to Pitaya's lips* Shhhhhh~ It's been a hard tedious week, we can be chill for today." He took his finger off my lips. I repositioned my self so my back was against the wall. I tried scootching off the bed but he just kept pulling me back so I just gave up. There was an awkward silence between us as Ananas finished his cigar. He lit another. He passed the cigar over to me. I took it & smoked it either once or twice before handing it back to Ananas. He finished the cigar again, I'm honestly surprised at how clean his room is & doesn't smell like a post forest fire. I checked the time, 6:50. I still felt pretty tired I laid back on my side facing the window & closed my eyes.

Ananas POV

I felt the sheets shift a little a bit as a finished my cigar. I looked over to see Pitaya facing the window on his side. I gently pulled his hair out of his face, he looked adorable when asleep. I pulled the blankets fully to his shoulders as a laid down next to behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist & nuzzling my face against his back into his thick messy hair. Eventually I too drifted off into the mysterious realm of dreams

(Sorry for not posting in advance🫠)

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